How many are like me?

by JH 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    I'm just wondering why I still believe in so much of what the JW's teach, except for their false dates, and still I don't want to be one of them because their lack of love and justice ruins the good news of the Kingdom.

    You still believe them because you havent reprogramed yourself. I hope your not waiting for somone else to do it for you.

  • becca1

    I definitly don't believe the the "unbeliefs": trinity, hellfire, immortal soul. But as for what I do believe, I don't really know right now. My disillusionment is so deep it has made me question everthing. I would like to say I still believe in Jehovah and Jesus, the ransom, hope of eternal life, etc. but I can't say for sure. I sort of in "limbo" right now.

  • MsMcDucket

    I don't believe in that stuff anymore. I know that I've been reading the wrong book!

  • crazyblondeb

    No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, and Hell, NO!! I think that pretty well covers it!!

  • PrimateDave

    After being a Witness my entire life, I have to say that, no, there is no logical reason to keep believing any of it. You see, I stopped believing in the Bible before I stopped being a nominal Witness. As a poster here once wrote, I was no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses; I just didn't know it yet. I couldn't believe in the Flood or the Creation account. The more I learned about the Bible from non Watchtower sources, the less I could believe in it or its promises. The only things I can still believe in are Ps. 146:3,4 and Ecc. 9:5,10. I would love to believe in the resurrection and eternal life, but where's the proof?

  • JWdaughter

    I am not like you in that way, but there are a few such as yourself here. We can all get along though, and fellowship with each other.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I understand why you might believe the way you do-

    The Bible name for God in the OT was "Jehovah"
    (Well, the tetragrammaton, but you get the point)

    The Bible does call Jesus the Son of God. (Open to differing ideas, but a basic for Christians)

    The word "Trinity" is not found in the Bible, but "resurrection" is there, along with the
    "1000 year reign of Christ" and various terms meaning "Life everlasting."

    I don't share your beliefs anymore, because I agree with everything becca1 said:

    I definitly don't believe the the "unbeliefs": trinity, hellfire, immortal soul. But as for what I do believe, I don't really know right now. My disillusionment is so deep it has made me question everthing. I would like to say I still believe in Jehovah and Jesus, the ransom, hope of eternal life, etc. but I can't say for sure. I sort of in "limbo" right now.

  • inactive in jersey
    inactive in jersey

    i totally believe in what you do. that is why i am in limbo after all these years. i don't believe in the control, the pressure, (to give talks, answer at meeting, go to every meeting), the dates being changed over and over again, the shunning, and the holidays. other than that i do believe the same core beliefs.

  • Mary

    still believe in God

    Still believe his name is Jehovah or something like it.

    Still believe that Jesus is his son, and he isn't God almighty.

    Don't believe in the Trinity

    I believe in the resurrection

    I believe that most who resurrect will live on earth

    I believe in a 1000 year reign of Christ

    I believe that we can live eternally thanks to God

  • MsMcDucket

    Still believe his name is Jehovah or something like it.

    I believe that in the bible the name is closer to Yahweh and I don't believe that the witnesses are vindicating his name.

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