How many are like me?

by JH 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel

    hmmm, well, I guess we differ on most of these items except # 1, partially and # 2 partially....after that sorry, we be on different planets.


  • BlackPearl

    Ya...I'm just like you. I think about this alot, I still believe I'm grounded spiritually. It's between me and Jehovah and his son, I know I'm pretty screwed up at this point, but then, they do too. So I have nothing to hide from. The only things I would add are:

    (1) I'd like to celebrate Thanksgiving

    (2) I'd like to celebrate Christmas

  • the sage
    the sage

    Hi JH!

    I'm with you.

    left the organization twenty years ago. I just make an effort to respond to truth when my conscience tells me. 1pet3:21. The watchtower does not own the truth, the bible or the title Jehovah's witness. As the light of truth gets brighter, I work to embrace it. ps.43:3. His promises are faithful and true. rev.22:6. Life's water is free. rev.22:17.

    the sage

  • 5thGeneration

    Is this a trap?

    I still believe in God; Still believe his name is Jehovah or something like it; Still believe that Jesus is his son, and he isn't God almighty; Don't believe in the Trinity; I believe in the resurrection; I believe that most who resurrect will live on earth; I believe in a 1000 year reign of Christ; I believe that we can live eternally thanks to God; But on the other hand, I don't want to be a JW because of their man made laws, that has nothing to do with what Jesus said, and their lack of love, and the way they control and treat their own followers.

    Because I could have written that post verbatim!

  • Dawn

    JH - the search for real truth is a life long journey. And the path of that journey is just as important as the destination. As you question and ponder your beliefs you will no doubt be afraid that what you thought was truth is not.

    Many people stop at that fear - too afraid to look further, too afraid to move on. In essence, trapped by their fear.

    Others confront that fear and move head - these are the ones that are finally set free.

    The truth - whatever it is - remains unchanged regardless of our personal beliefs or fears. It is up to each individual to decide if they are ready to search for it - or remain in their comfort zone and hide from it.

    You have made great progress by being willing to ask questions and consider the possibilities. Don't berate yourself for what you believe right now - it may be truth, it may not be truth. You will eventually find out as you continue your search.

    The Dalai Lama was once asked what he would do if science proved that buddhism was wrong.

    His response - "When science points to or proves a truth contrary to Buddhist teaching, then Buddhist teaching must change,"

    A wise man!

  • BabaYaga

    Quite frankly, JH, I believe your beliefs will evolve slowly and painlessly, until you believe very little or nothing of what the WTBTS teaches. I hate to say that because it sounds grossly condescending, (I don't mean for it to be,) but I believe it to be true.

    Were you raised a JW? How many years have you been out?

  • Quandary

    In my humble opinion, to be a real Christian all you have to do is follow Jesus' teachings in the Sermon on the Mount. I believe the "truth" is just that simple. The GB have complicated things way too much! John 8:32 says the "truth will set you free". Why is it that instead of feeling free one feels trapped into following countless rules and regulations most of which have no clear scriptual backing, i.e. 5 meetings a week, pioneering, shunning disassociated ones just because they don't want to be JW's anymore, NOT because they have broken any Biblical law, and countless other pseudo rules.


  • Undecided

    I guess I'm a lost soul, I can't seem to believe that Christ was real and the bible's view of his life is true. It's been 2000 years since his supposed life here and nothing has changed, except a lot of death to those who believed and later to those who didn't. Oh, I forgot it's just around the corner, very soon now, probably invisible, has something to do with Jews maybe.

    I just don't know what God is.

    Ken P.

  • kerj2leev

    Nope don't believe in anything right now, but I'm leaving my mind open to new ideas!

    To me the Bible is all made up! I mean come on what do we call people that say the had a conversation with an animal? In todays world, would you believe someone who told you that God came and talk to them? Even in Dubbie land you wouldn't except this as fact, but since its written in the Bible thousands of years ago its accepted!

    Why is that?

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    hi Moomin, Just got your message. How's it going?// Looking over your letter below. I wouldn't want to follow Br. Russell and his gang.. For one reason, he's dead. The holy spirit is alive.. and is revealing new things to his servants, and following the dead, can't possibly keep a person abreast of the new things..

    I really can see why you are bitter.. and I am too. I am being totally shunned by everyone I've been friends with for the past 26 years.. They are all asses.. the governing body and the elders.. although some might change still.

    I don't know if the 144,000 number is literal or not. But it probably is symbolic. But I don't think we need to worry about it too much.. The new world will be beautiful no matter who we are.. Write soon.. Jesus is the only one we have to look up to, right????

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