How many are like me?

by JH 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • LovesDubs

    You know what though JH? You could stand in the kingdumb hall and throw two rocks and hit two JWs and THEY wont believe the same as each other! Theyve changed their beliefs so many damn times that their whole unity of thought crap has gone down the drain. Some of them are still out there thinking they are in charge of peoples very lives, going to the doors and if the door is closed before the JW gives his "life saving message" then that person is a goat and doomed to eternal destruction. Some dont know they can take blood parts to save their own lives and are still terrified there is blood in their dog's food. Some still think the generation that saw 1914 is still "in"....

    So if you have adopted some of what they believe, which may be bits and pieces of what other religions believe as well, that is your own spiritual choice, your own spiritual journey...and I dare say those items you listed may continue to shift and change as you age. Its between you and God babe. :)


    JH's statements are in black, and my responses are in red.

    I still believe in God Me too.

    Still believe his name is Jehovah or something like it. Me too.

    Still believe that Jesus is his son, and he isn't God almighty. Me too.

    Don't believe in the Trinity We diverge here. I fully believe in the Trinity. It appears to solve more problems than it creates.

    I believe in the resurrection Me too.

    I believe that most who resurrect will live on earth Me too.

    I believe in a 1000 year reign of Christ Not really sure that the millenium is literal or figurative. I am currently doing a term paper on what is known as Eschatology, and I am working out my views on this.

    I believe that we can live eternally thanks to God Me too.

    But on the other hand, I don't want to be a JW because of their man made laws, that has nothing to do with what Jesus said, and their lack of love, and the way they control and treat their own followers. Me too.

    I'm just wondering why I still believe in so much of what the JW's teach, except for their false dates, and still I don't want to be one of them because their lack of love and justice ruins the good news of the Kingdom. Me too.

  • collegegirl21

    I'm not sure what I believe. My roommate and I were doing research on how YHWH is suppose to be pronounced, we looked it up in the encyclopedia and Jehovah really isn't the right way to pronounce his name. I've never actually believed in the religion - I believe in some beliefs, but I bet I would agree with some beliefs in every religion. I guess its just how you look at things.

  • lighthouse19something




    144,000 literal- ?

    paradise- yes

    Jehovah's name- yes, to use Yahweh, you have to change nearly every other name in the bible

    1000 year reign, yes, but what will 144,000 do after it?

    Ban on blood transfusions, no, but taking one is still not a good idea if not life threatening

    shunning-no, lest they be judged


  • BizzyBee

    Nahhhhh. But I think the more important question is:

    Does God believe in us?

  • snarf

    I am on the same page as you, that is why I keep coming here and reading posts, hoping for enlightenment.

  • anewme

    JH, I am just not wrestling with the big questions anymore. I am burnt out on the big questions.
    I am just trying to enjoy everyday. The truth is the truth is the truth JH...whatever it is.
    It will be the truth whether you or I recognize it. There is alot to the universe we are unaware of and that is unseen to mankind. That is the portion of the pie of knowledge called "What we know we dont know"
    It has always been there and will continue to be there, this slice of knowledge that is unavailable to us.
    And yet, life continues, and flourishes.
    Be at peace.
    Concentrate on what you HAVE CONTROL OVER...your words and deeds and your heart appreciation for all that is beautiful around you. Give Glory To God JH, but give yourself a break too.


  • kid-A

    I still believe in God- >Nope, never did, never will...just an anthropomorphic projection of human insecurity.

    Still believe his name is Jehovah or something like it. > I doubt it. Why would such a hypothetical supreme being require a "moniker"? And why would you assume some tribe of wandering desert nomads 2000 years ago would know what it was?

    Still believe that Jesus is his son, and he isn't God almighty. > I believe there was a philosopher named Jesus who had some interesting ideas for his time and historical context

    Don't believe in the Trinity > See answer 1 (lol)

    I believe in the resurrection > I believe you get one shot at life, better make the most of the time you have and try to make a difference instead of wasting time worrying about a re-animated photo-copy of your former self being raised up in some hypothetical paradise.

    I believe that most who resurrect will live on earth > I have no desire to exist on a planet populated by "the walking dead"....

    I believe in a 1000 year reign of Christ > See answer 2....

    I believe that we can live eternally thanks to God > Who wants to live eternally? Look around the natural world. Death is a part of life. The old fades away to make new for the young. Without death, we are left with decay and stagnation, nothing would change, existence and human thought would be static.....the stuff of nightmares. Walk through a forest to observe the natural order of life, death and rebirth. It is the nature of reality and must be accepted and embraced lest we live in fear of our mortal shadows.

  • smellsgood

    Hi JH

    Well, I never've been a Witness, but in response to this:::

    but on the other hand, I don't want to be a JW because of their man made laws, that has nothing to do with what Jesus said, and their lack of love, and the way they control and treat their own followers.

    ***I'm just wondering why I still believe in so much of what the JW's teach***, except for their false dates, and still I don't want to be one of them because their lack of love and justice ruins the good news of the Kingdom.

    smellsgood: I think that probably part of it is that they do such a thorough job in not only dogmatising their own doctrines, but are emphatic and thorough in "disproving" on a continuous basis those beliefs that they have labeled as "un-Christian" "pagan" and the like. I believe the very fact that they are so dishonest in their methods of doing so should make one pause, because if it were so "sure" than certainly they wouldn't be so consistently so dishonestly to prove it.

    I think it gets in your head, particularly if you are raised with it. Perhaps the thought stopping with regards to those things still plays a roll, even once someone has come to realise the WT is a cult.

    Personally, it strikes me in thinking about it, that if you are to still believe in the Biblical figures, and believe that Jehovah is in reality today God, and has not abandoned his creation etc, and is still interested in the matters of men; how could the WT be wrong about his purpose, timing, about his will (blood transfusion) be completely wrong about what He will DO and then on the flipside, be right about HIM? How could an organization which misdirects, falsifies, lies outright, is in all ways devious and deluded be the bearers of the "correct" view of the Biblical God, when they are wrong about pretty much everything else? Why would a "living" God "reveal" himself and not his ways to an organization that has claimed to be His Mouthpiece?

    It's just what I think about. Also, the living forever on earth I don't see why its relevant or such a big hammer point. Certainly I think the 144K and "anointed" is one of the silliest and convoluted beliefs I have ever come across if you want to see it from a Biblical or any other perspective really.

    I think they are wrong on every single point if you are looking it from a Biblical, irreligious, other religious, humanistic, disinterested or any point of view. If Jehovah has the attributes that are described in the Bible, or generally understood, I can't see how He would operate in a way to mislead so thoroughly a group of people, but then to confuse things further, to have them have the "correct" view on his "person" :)

    I read a JW's ramblings about the future on Paradise Earth, and it literally disturbed me like say a horror movie would. It sounds so unlike any conception of "afterlife" from any religious volume I have ever seen. To me, it sounded so manmade, like the concepts of the 72 virgins are so obviously manmade. It was written in a way to make it sound appealing, something to look forward too, but it just sounded like the world of today, with I guess less sex and less hunger?

    Anyways, I do believe in the immortality of the soul. This is something I think everyone has a sense of, currently and historically, unless it is intellectually "repressed" as it were. You may disagree and that's fine. I change my mind about things all the time, its nice just to be able to explore the possibilities. But from my perspective, one thing that is not possible is the WT being right about anything whatsoever. I just can't see how such a repellant organization could point to a "true" God...

    I can understand why you would retain those beliefs, and if you still believe in the bible, and the figures in it, and from perhaps your own study without the WT blinders on you have reached those beliefs, that's alright.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I still believe in God Yes

    Still believe his name is Jehovah or something like it. No

    Still believe that Jesus is his son, and he isn't God almighty. Not Applicable

    Don't believe in the Trinity Not Applicable

    I believe in the resurrection Not Applicable

    I believe that most who resurrect will live on earth Not Applicable

    I believe in a 1000 year reign of Christ Not Applicable

    I believe that we can live eternally thanks to God Not Applicable

    When I realised that JW speak was wrong, I had no choice but to question EVERYTHING I had been taught as EVERYTHING I thought I knew about God had come from a corrupt source.

    I now realise that much of what I accepted as truth for much of my life has been influenced, in a cultish manner, by various religious and scientific groups and that what we accept as truth now may well change in a few years time as we come to understand why there is data that is contrary to our current truths.

    We should not be too proud to admit that we have fooled by 'experts'. I have had to eat my words on many things. If we learn from our mistakes we will be better people than those that those that try to shore up their faulty theories with ever increasingly complex speculations as to why data does not support their 'truth'.



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