I think you cannot judge someone without walking a mile in their shoes. It's very easy to say it's something you would never do. I was one of those pious people. How could you possibly know that?
I also agree with the point that adultery doesn't occur in a healthy marraige. Personally I was married for 13 years and never so much as kissed another person (as it should be). It was only the thought that I might well die (at Armageddon!!) without experiencing real 'love' that moved me to go out and look for it. I did not want to break up my marraige or hurt the children, but I did feel the need to know. And I'm sure some of you will think that's awful, and that is your right. I genuinely and naively felt I could do this and come back and be a good witness afterward.
Thirdly, no I would not celebrate it, and I highly doubt ANYBODY who has committed adultery is happy about it, unless they are a complete asshole. It hurts people, it hurts you, your partner, extended family.. But on the other hand, no, I would not judge someone for anything at all. That just isn't my place or my right.