a couple kind of close to me divorced and somebody said he "had some apostate ideas", but his wife caught him cheating and he had been an elder many years. When I heard he "had apostate ideas" I automatically thought I could relate better to his side of things, but I think now that I am not too impressed with the way he handled everything. Did he stop believing and then out of frustration, react with the drinking and cheating? or did the drinking and cheating come before the "apostate ideas"? In other words, did he get kicked out, and then stop believing? or was he a tyrant elder who all along didn't believe and got kicked out because he couldn't go on anymore? either way, I am not impressed enough with the way he handled it to "celebrate" with him, in fact I haven't confided in him, and probably never will.
Marriage/cheating/divorce is such a complex issue, who are we to know what went on in that relationship? I'm finding one thing to be the case in most of these types of breakups. It can seem to look like there is a guilty party and an innocent party. In reality, both people contribute to the destruction of the relationship in most cases.
still, I don't think cheating your way out of a cult is all that impressive. just because he got disfellowshipped doesn't mean he won't return to the cult. he's got to really understand what happened and how he feels about it, because all too often people go back to it.