Is everyone accused guilty?

by hambeak 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • hambeak

    Haven't spoken to the ex in over 15 years I heard she is no longer active and had dated someone I worked with while I was in CA He told me she still considers me her husband. I only wish she had remarried and found someone. Her only regret last time I spoke was someone hadn't killed me because I left her. I for the most part now days rarely even think of her

  • JWdaughter

    She sounds like a miserable excuse for humanity. Sorry. If you ever see her again, I hope it is when you are smiling, rich, surrounded by loved ones and filled with joy:)

  • hambeak

    jwd you jogged my memory of one thing I said to her when she was ranting I told her I would rather go to her funeral any day than she come to mine lol

  • Alpheta

    As I understand it, the WT database of 23,000 or so is of "accused" pedophiles - that is correct; being "accused" does not necessarily equate to guilty. However, since all of the names have been kept secret within the individual congregations throughout the years since the database has been compiled, there is absolutely no way of knowing whether any particular individual on the list is actually an innocent person or, on the other hand, a serial pedophile or, somewhere inbetween. Since the matters - again, as I understand it - for the most part, were NEVER turned over for proper investigation to the police/sheriffs/FBI, child abuse authorities, etc., we will never know. All we know if that, according to Barbara Anderson, there is a card file or list of all of these accumulated names from over the years.

    I would like to know - has anyone accumulated a "count" of alleged pedophiles within the Roman Catholic Church, and other denominations where allegations of such conduct have been made? What would the relative ratios of allegations to congregants show, I wonder???

  • katiekitten

    Hambeak, that is a terrible tragic story.

    I dont know how someone recovers from something as devastating as that. You are a tribute to the human spirit for being here and being a fighter.

    If there is a hell then your ex and MIL will surely go there for the damage they have done to you and your children.

    I also agree with you that being accused leaves you in a very precarious position. I feel that in many cases the rights of the accuser override the rights of the accused. I feel that everything should be done in private and all documents should be accessible to both prosecution and defense and no-one else, and that there should be stiff penalties for false accusations.

    I had a teacher training day a few weeks ago about the procedure in school if a child accuses a teacher of anything improper. The teacher is immediately suspended on full pay, but NOT told the nature of the allegation or the accuser. This is so that the teacher cannot tamper with the evidence.

    The accuser however, is still free to go to school, spread the story as much as s/he likes, and have full access to all the other students who might be part of the evidence later on.

    The police are called and the investigation takes months at the shortest, and sometimes years. Even if there is absolutely no case to be heard and the teacher is ruled in court to be innocent, the whole thing is still placed on the teachers PERMANENT record. Every school you subsequently apply to is informed of this record, and the teacher is faced with the very real possibilty of never getting another job, even though there was no case to answer.

    I find that extremely worrying, and if the kids knew how easy it was to put a teacher out of work like that I am sure they would be doing it maliciously.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I think accusing someone falsely of child molestation is about the worst thing you can do to a person. Even if they are exonerated there will always be some who view the person with suspicion ever afterwards. In my opinion, anyone who is proven to have falsely accused someone maliciously should be given the same sentence the child molester would have been given.


  • Oroborus21

    Hi Hambreak,

    Your'e absolutely right. As a man and as a father, my life could easily be thrown into chaos by false claims. It is a horrible situation when that is the case for someone. And it does happen.

    But I think that is not what is at issue with the access to records being discussed generally and the recent California ruling on some discovery issues in the Charissa W. case.

    Now, I am not privy and never was an Elder so I don't know for sure, but it is my guess that when a claim is made it is checked into but unless there is something to it there are no notations that go into the congregation files about the matter. I believe it is only when there is actually something to the matter and when discipline has been imposed that some notations about it are placed in the congregation files.

    Also, I didn't read the JWD threads entirely, but I did read the ruling and it seems clear that the situation is that it isn't like the congregation files are now wide open for public perview. One has to be engaged in a lawsuit pursuing discovery (or possibly also it has to be law enforcement authorities conducting an investigation) in order to gain access to the records and actually if you look into the court's prior rulings the majority of discovery requests were apparently denied. Kim says they got what they needed though.

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