I live in the Northwest. In so doing, I camp at least a dozen times a year. I am out each week, during the spring in summer, fishing and in the fall hunting. I backpack all over Oregon, Washington and Northern California (aka State of Jefferson). I go on the trails in some cases, and in other cases I get a map and a GPS unit and find lakes on maps, or other items. I have spent the night in areas that have probably never seen man in decades, or ever. I have run across bears, mountain lions (had one hunting our group), seen about every wild animal there is a few times. Even had a bear rip a hole in my tent on one occasion. In all this, I have never run across any evidence of the Big Foot everyone talks about. I have wanted too, and even gone to areas where he is suppose to be seen often. Yet nothing! As much as I want to believe there might be some giant ape-like creature in the outdoors, I am prone to think people have seen something that is simple a bear, hairy mountain man or simple nothing. Anyone here believe in Big Foot, or have an experience with one?
Is Bigfoot real?
by free2beme 28 Replies latest jw friends
I saw one! I was about 12 at the time, camping with my grandparents out in the middle of nowhere in northern California.
I've seen him.. I sleep next to him every night
In all seriousness.. no, I don't think he's out there. I, too, have camped and hiked over much of Oregon and Washington (not so much Calif) and my hubby grew up in the wilds of Alaska, and neither of us has seen signs of one. I know he (my hubby) likes to think he's started a few rumors by walking around barefooted in remote spots.. he might even be right, there was a report of signs of one shortly after we went arrow head hunting in an area
That's cool, Spec. I don't know, but I like this quote from John Lennon:
"I BELIEVE IN EVERYTHING until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists even if it is in your mind. Who's to say that dreams...aren't as real as the here and now?"
Someone asked me once,
"Are you sure your life is not a dream and your dreams are actually your real life?"
Big Tex
Is Bigfoot real?
I was born in Missouri.
Show me.
You will have to come to the Northwest, as I do not remember any sightings in the show me state.
Big Tex
I'll take empirical evidence.
Have you ever seen the animal called the FISHER?
Also you say you are camping all the time, have you ever seen a dead bear in the woods that was not killed by a human. I am an avid hunter and camper and have many friends that are guides and one of my best friends in this world is a packer for the Forest Service he is in the Wilderness of Idaho 100hrs a week for eight months a year he had never seen a FISHER nor a dead bear carcass one that died of its self.
Fishers numbers are high here in Idaho yet he nor anyone he works with has ever seen one. I have seen one and he thinks I am crazy he say's there is no way. I have never known anyone that has seen a Bear carcass that died of itself.
I do not know if there is a Big Foot but I know serveral people that claim to have seen Big Foot.