now here I am with my subconscious telling me to go back for support and to find a 'good guy'.
THIS is precisely the core motivation that drove my mother into this fraudulent "religion" when her best friend told her about "this guy I'm dating...". Ultimately, and to say the least, my mom ended up dating him. {my mom seems to have a pattern of a predatory nature...long after she concreted her life to this sham, she ended up marrying another womans ELDER husband, [after another elder she had her sights on, rejected her for another woman,] whom was the very elder who sat on three of her kids judicial committee meetings that lead to ALL of our disfellowshipments...geez, I'm not sure now how many elders she had her eye's pretty embarrassing claiming her as my mother}
At any rate, if this will be YOUR core motivation as you state in so many words, at least don't come to MY door ACTING and peddling something you know is false, yet do it basically, to keep your man.
Thank you for your support in respecting my wishes, and I'm sure other "householders", if you decide to go back in soley for selfish reasons. How could you honestlky go door to door after returning anyway?
Harsh? Perhaps. Not any harsher than what is printed in the pages of the WT concerning dead children and those whom your preach AND TEACH{TRAIN CHILDREN TO PREACH} will die by the hands of your god.
Actually, I dare you to go back, for a man.