There is no such thing as Agnosticism. Agnostics do not exist!

by nicolaou 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • becca1

    You guys make my brain hurt! Get a life!

  • SPAZnik

    I find it humorous to see such an adament
    directive aimed at "agnostics" to "Choose!"
    As though it makes any sense whatsoever to tell someone
    that they're only "allowed" to (even "must")
    believe in one or the other of two unprovable concepts.


  • trevor

    So many words and nothing gained. These attempts to label ourselves in relation to our understanding of something that passes all understanding is, bound to end in failure.

    After devoting many years of my life seeking absolute certainty, I have concluded that certainty obtained through study and debate is an act of the mind. We accepting an explanation that is better than those we embraced before, but unless we are bigoted we keep searching.

    Trying to limit ourselves to one of three labels, and choose one that is supposed explain where we ‘stand,’ is a distraction from developing awareness. We all ‘stand’ in the same place but are at different levels of awareness. Those that have based their faith on personal experience, at least understand that experience alone can lead to genuine awareness. Then understanding begins where words end.

  • Abaddon


    You have given me a new word. Thank you.


    I have increasingly viewed the term 'agnostic' as a polite way of avoiding farting in someone else's soup. It is the conversational equivalent of responding to the question "What would you like to drink?" with "Whatever you are having".

    As commented on, no atheist really worth talking to will claim that the existence of god can be disproved. Thus the measurable difference is vanishingly small. It is a less controversial label to a certain group of theists than atheist is, as they feel less insulted when someone says they are agnostic (whereas atheist they take as a personal insult).

  • jimbo

    I am comfortable in saying that I don't know if there is a god/gods/etc. I have examined the evedince and continue to do so . I think there are many things that I do not know and I may never reach a conclusion in this regard.

    Kid-A if you have reached a conclusion in this regard I think that you are the one that has become intellectualy lazy. I think that there is much evidence that even you have not examined yet.

    I am still examining the god concept so I have a long ways to go before I can say anything with any degree of finality!!!!!

    jimbo (of the humanistic "I don't know" class)

  • BabaYaga

    Quote from Trevor:

    "Then understanding begins where words end."

    Touche'. Perfect.

  • nicolaou
    Trying to limit ourselves to one of three labels, and choose one that is supposed explain where we ‘stand,’ is a distraction from developing awareness.

    Precisely, very well said Trevor. In fact I may even stop referring to myself as an atheist from now on.

  • LittleToe
    Precisely, very well said Trevor. In fact I may even stop referring to myself as an atheist from now on.

    I'll be watching this space

  • kid-A

    "Kid-A if you have reached a conclusion in this regard I think that you are the one that has become intellectualy lazy. I think that there is much evidence that even you have not examined yet."

    Alas Jimbo, regrettably, I simply do not view a willful state of static ignorance to be reflective of intellectual rigour. Having said that, I would be delighted if you would present your "evidence" for god that I have apparently, in my heathen ignorance, overlooked!

    I anxiously await the presentation of your evidence for God (be it Jehovah, Zeus, Thor, Artemis, Ra, Neptune, Allah, Buddha, Vishnu, etc etc), the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, Peter the Rabbit or any other hypothetical being you care to focus on. I am dying to see the evidence I have missed all these years! Do tell!

  • Confession

    (Please excuse this irrelevant note unless you feel as insane as I.)

    Did I, or did I not, already read this thread once before--a few months ago? I positively SWEAR I did. I distinctly remember the same thread title, the same words from Nic--the same clarifying comment from Narkissos--and the same comment from Little Toe in the first few replies. It simply cannot have been a few days ago as indicated by the date postings. If it is I am very concerned I may be suffering from a brain abnormality. Nic, did you really just post this for the first time a few days ago??!!

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