Kid A:
I stand by my original comment that it is intellectual laziness, but obviously this does not imply laziness in every domain, merely on that particular question, so I'm not sure why you are implying this is a blanket insult to those calling themselves agnostics... it is'nt.
Nope, it's not a 'blanket' insult, it's a specific insult.
You bring up the issue of evolution. IMHO, we have evolved to the point where we can apply our brain's cognitive faculties of reasoning to logically weigh the evidence and test the hypothesis. You and I have come up with completely different answers: but at least we have made the attempt and have come up with answers that we individually are satisfied with! LOL....
There ya' go again. Ya' pat yourself and LT on the back for making, "...the attempt and have come up with answers that we individually are satisfied with!" But, people like me who honestly admit we "don't know"...are somehow guilty of "intellectual laziness"? We haven't "made the attempt"?
What we're all doing, when it comes to the subject of super-natural beliefs, is voicing our personal opinions about what our individual brains -- think ! Being that the existence of gods/God is not provable in any known scientific way to humankind -- at this time...why should any of us have insults thrown at us, because, we do believe, don't believe or simply don't know ?
People love to label other people. Unfortunately, there are usually just '2' labels -- For or Against, republican/democrat, communism/democracy, JW/worldly bird food, heterosexual/homosexual, etc. The real life world is not so black & white, it's really a rainbow of people and opinions.
This argument, IN MY OPINION, is as useless as the one some engage in about sexuality. Some people think they understand, with SO much clarity, not only their personal sexuality, but, everyone else's, too. They are SO sure, in their own mind, that they have the only 'truth' and anyone having contrary personal thoughts and knowledge -- just have to be 'wrong'.
As long as your beliefs or your sexuality don't harm me -- I don't care !
Rabbit - Who self-identifies as agnostic = 'cause, I don't know. I am honestly comfortable with my "inconclusiveness". I don't care about any future after-life reward or punishment. My life is plenty busy with just living this life.
The door of my mind is wide open to change, tho'. Show me.