I know it has been talked about before, but does anyone have information as to when JW started banning Beards. My wife is telling me that it started in the 60/70's because of the hippies, but I know i read somewhere on here that it was much earlier.
Beards, when were they banned?
by GramblingMan 42 Replies latest jw friends
Hi GramblingMan, and welcome
I joined the jws in 1981, and was always given the impression that the beard ban was to do with the hippie movement of the late 1960's. I don't recall anyone ever saying there was such a ban in operation prior to then.
I thought it was a recent thing. I only learnt about the ban on beards when I returned to the meetings in 05. When I was a teen there were men with beards in the cong. But then again that congregation was known as having problems.
I think "Faith on the March" the memoirs, lies and half truths of AH Macmillan, or the book "30 Years a Watchtower Slave" identifies how it all started. 1 or the other or both mentions the efforts Rutherford went to in order to garner the prestige of Russell for himself. So since many of the Bethel/Branch Elite and other Organizational leaders wore beards similar to Russell, Rutherford would force them to get rid of them in order to advance, get new printing presses or get his favor. You know, the same way they get people to conform today....coercion!
This is most likely the reason why it has lingered for so long. The prohibition then filtering down through the rank and file in the grand old pyramid style customary in many cults.
I don't know the exact date but in COC, Franz says that Rutherford banned them during his evil reign as he could not stand the fact that the early bible students still had a love for Pastor Russell and wanted to remove any reminder of him from the organization - and since Russell had a beard, Rutherford started to hate them and they were one of the first things to go. Quickly followed by all Russell's books and thoughts. Kind of insane isn't it? Lilly
I think it's a bit regionalised these days, Moomin. In the kh I went to, beards were frowned on, and no one with a beard stood any chance of being appointed, but in a couple of congregations in Derby, they had elders with beards. It's all down to the discretion of the elders, the actual wts rule was relaxed some years ago.
We didn't have any beards on the boy Witnesses even in the 50's. Latin and French men could have one moustache each.
I was born in 1959 and raised a witness. For as long as I can remember facial hair was banned. Remember, the Einstiens running the show are all out of the 50's, they live in their happy little apartments in New York and never leave.
During the late 60's one of my cousins grew hair down to the top of his ears. His father, one of my uncles and an elder didn't have a problem. The entire family was up in arms. There is a picture of him with that hair and it is still held out as an example of the down fall of this generation.
It makes me sick even to think about it. I'd love to post those pics but can't. Maybe someday.
I remember an Elder berating a brother , who had grown a small goatee while on holiday, in the Kingdom Hall in front of everyone. That under no circumstances would he be allowed on the platform with the beard or any brother or sister be allowed to go on field service with him.
But moustaches were quite acceptable.
Then again I recall a visit from a Circuit Overseer who during one meeting asked what was wrong with a picture in a Watchtower magazine article we were going through. A sister said it was because a brother had a beard in the picture.
The CO turned round and said "There is nothing wrong or unscriptural about a brother having a beard."
You could have heard the gasp from the congregation a mile away.
But no brother still dare grown one.
Never was a ban every congregation decides if they are OK. We had several ELders that kept them on during the winter and not one congregation that I am aware of banned the ELders with beard from give public talks in their congregations. With the said they could not have a part on stage at an Assembly with them on so one ELder that gave talks at the Assemblies would always shave before his talks. A congregation 6O miles away had at one time over 10 brothers with beard.
Beards are totally up to the local area look it up. But the Society frowns on them.