can you imagine when the n/s comes and you are about to be destroyed by Jehoooobahhhhhh because.... YOU HAVE A GOATEEEE........
Beards, when were they banned?
by GramblingMan 42 Replies latest jw friends
About 10 years ago when I was I was still a dub, I grew a beard.
I was on a camping trip for several days and didn't shave, so when I got back to town I trimmed it up, and then called EVERY elder in the cong. to see what would happen if I showed up at the hall with it, and they all said that there's no reason why I couldn't have a beard, and so it wouldn't be a problem (one elder said it's possible I could be counseled for appearance if I was to give a talk in the school, but I wasn't scheduled any time soon).
The first meeting I attended was a book study (in my own home!) and I was asked to open with prayer and then read the paragraphs...yes, I was in shock!
The next meeting was the Theo school and service meeting on Thursday and I had many in the cong. come up to me and tell me how good it bro told me it was good to see a brother grow a nice beard who wasn't just coming in, or just leaving the org.
Then comes the Sunday meeting....3 other guys in the hall show up with 2-3 day old beards!
The elders acted quickly. They asked if I would meet with them after the meeting in THE BACK ROOM. I said, "sure, if you want to talk...fine. But i'm not going in the back room to talk...if you want to talk, we can talk out here in the main hall."
They were so mad that I really did MEAN IT when I said that I was really not going to meet with them in the back room!
So we sat down in the main hall after the meeting and they showed me a WT article from the early sixties about how rebelious beards are..... I told them it was out-dated, and if they actually read the 40 year old article they would see that it also says that MUSTACHES are rebelious too!
They asked me to shave it, so I said, "no problem, I don't want to keep it anyway...I just wanted to see what I looked like with a beard." The result? They took my "previledges" away for having a bad attitude. They said I should have known better. And what's really funny is....I couldn't work at the up-coming convention because I had no previleges, and the bro who took my spot in the accounting dept. had a skin disorder and couldn't shave, so he grew a beard!
The bottom line....local elders do whatever they want. GYMBOB
Wasn't man created with facial hair?
The only reason--now--facial hair is considered a sign of rebellion is because of the pharisaic rule against.