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by joelbear 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    Hi all,

    I love so many of you so very much. What wonderful people there are here and how I have rejoiced in our spirits joining.

    I have, as I said, given up. I am disconnecting from this board and from a number of other things in my life.

    I am staying connected to Mitch. I love him more now than I ever have.

    I had hoped that my quirky comments and silliness and attempts at having a calm spirit would help move this board in another direction.

    Alas, twas not to be. For those of you who want to stay in touch, just hop over to my web page any time. I will enjoy hearing from you. If any of you want to get in touch with me offline, thats cool too. I live in Atlanta, Georgia.

    I have to say honestly to you that if you really care about me and the things I stand for and wish for this world and for all of you, you will leave this board forever. You will spend the time you spent here smelling the flowers, watching the sunsets, playing with your kids, reading a book, anything but coming here.

    There is an evil power controlling this board. If I believed in demons I would say it was a demonic power.

    I believe that the great majority of people here are very good people who are searching for new life and new beginnings. Thats great, go out and do it. I also believe that this board is affecting you more than you realize. I've seen people's tones change for the worse here. I don't like it and I won't participate in it.

    You all know me well enough to know which threads here are disgusting me to the point of nausea. Pure evil is behind these posts. Responding to them helps the evil grow.

    I have begged for them to be stopped so that we could have a peaceful loving upbuilding board of brothers and sisters who could uniquely understand what we are experiencing as former Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Alas, its not to be.

    If you would like to read a poem I have written to sum up my feelings about the recent tragic events, please visit and click on Disconnected Soul.

    I leave you with loving thoughts.



  • lisaBObeesa


    hugs to you,


  • ISP
    ISP did I miss something, man.

    There is an evil power controlling this board. If I believed in demons I would say it was a demonic power.

    Well I've met Simon. Although he is a city fan.......I don't think he is demonic. I wouldn't say the board is that bad.


  • Dogpatch

    Hi Joelbear,
    Thanks for being there and for all your comments and balance, I will miss you. Keep in touch when you can.
    Randy Watters

  • logical


    If anything, your presence has only helped kill my hypocrisy, ignorance and prejudice towards gay people.

    I agree, there is an evil presence on this board, but the exact opposite is present too. There are some genuinely loving caring people here, who have helped me amongst others.

    Take care.

  • noidea


    Thank you for getting back with us. You truly are a wonderful soul and have helped so many to grow as people. You will never know how you have helped me to become a better person. Thank you for the invite to your site.
    I've been there and will return to check on you.
    I understand your feelings about the board and respect you for your decision.
    I will say that if it weren't for this board that I would not have know you and so many good people.
    I have really grown here.
    You are right there is Evil here, those doors I do not open. It is a waste to try and respond it only encourages them further by doing so, they are here to tear down.
    It is my hope also that the good will conquer it.
    Joel you have helped me to stop and smell the flowers. Thank You!! (((hugs)))

  • dmouse

    Will miss your upbuilding comments Joel, hope you change your mind.

    Don't give up, just don't try so hard - pace yourself.

    Learn to tolerate gobshits - they have as much right to be here as you do.

    You only really fail when you stop trying.


  • closer2fine

    Joelbear, you will be greatly missed.


    Mean People Produce
    Little Mean People

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hey joelbear:

    I realize you don't know me from a hole in the ground, and this may not be a good time for me to answer your post as I'm in a real emotional "funk" right now.....but I'm sorry to see you leave...I've enjoyed your posts even if I haven't answered many of them.

    I wish you peace and happiness whereever you go...hope you'll pop in and join us once in awhile. Right now....I'm feeling more like an observer than a participant, but I'll miss your objective and yet emotional viewpoint. Your posts have touched my heart. Come back and visit please?

  • Shaneliza


    I haven't been on this board that long, but I always enjoyed your posts, you carried yourself with grace and kindness. I will miss you and hope that you will visit us from time to time. Take care of yourself.


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