What's your favorite Thanksgiving food/recipe?

by Frannie Banannie 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Here is my own stuffing recipe that I have made for over 10 years and never fails to get raves:

    1/2 package Pepperidge Farm seasoned Bread Cubes

    1/2 pacakage Corn bread stuffing mix.

    Melt (2 Sticks) 1/2 pound butter and add the following (1 Cup of Each)

    Chopped: onions, celery, grannysmith apples, walnuts or pecans and dates. Cook just until tender, but not limp.

    Add the following spices: salt and pepper to taste, 3 T. Sage, 1 T. thyme, and 1T rosemary. adjust salt and pepper to taste and add 2 cans chicken broth.

    Stuff Turkey, and cover the rest for baking in the oven.


  • restrangled

    Awsome mashed potatoes...my boy's favorites!

    Boil about 10 baking potatoes and peel... Some skins can be left on. In the Mix Master put in 1/4 cup butter, 3/4 cup "maries blue cheese dressing", about 1/2 cup parmesaen cheese, 1/2 cup sour cream and just enough milk to process... then add potatoes and process. Add salt and pepper to taste and adjust texture by adding more milk. Add a nice slab of butter to the top and sprinkle with paprika. Keep warm in the oven until ready to serve.


  • restrangled

    Lettuce and Pea salad, a killer to be made the day before you serve it.

    In a large clear glass serving bowl layer as follows.

    1 Head iceburg lettuce chopped

    1 head cauliflower chopped into bite size pieces.

    1 onion diced

    1 pkg. 10 oz frozen peas

    sprinkle 2 packages dry mix "hidden valley ranch over the top. Seal with enough mayonaise to cover all (NOT Miraclewhip)

    Cover and chill overnight. Toss about 1/2 hour before serving.

    You can add some crisped cooked bacon to all just before tossing that adds a great touch.

    You will not be disappointed!


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Restrangled, those recipes are all over the TOP!!! That dressing recipe sounds especially yummy!

    Tigerman, I wish I were fixing a feast this year, but it'll probably be a quiet one with Crabby Pants and me.

  • Tigerman

    Frannie . . . what, no feast ? Okay, you're forgiven this time. But next year we'll be knocking on your door, so, you've got a full year to cook.

  • unclebruce

    Frannie the cook sayeth:

    Tigerman, I wish I were fixing a feast this year, but it'll probably be a quiet one with Crabby Pants and me.

    Let me guess Frannie,

    Deep Southern Crabbie Pants:


    1 cup of cider vinegar

    4 tablespoons of salt

    1 stick of celery, an onion and 3 lemons

    4 - 5 gallons of water

    1 dozen fresh Blue Swimmer Crabs

    5 gallons of water

    1 pair of jeans or pants of a strong material


    Tie off leg ends and pack pant legs, crotch and butt zone with whole crabs, celery, onion and lemon chuncks and some crushed red pepper, bring a large copper pot to the boil, add salt and vinegar. Lower in crabby pants, cover and boil for 25 minutes .. serves 'em right

  • Tigerman


    Pass the pants, would 'ya darlin ?

  • unclebruce

    LOL .. you're really getting into it are'nt ya tigerman

    When is Thanksgiving anyway? - I'm gettin' hungry

  • JWdaughter

    We had the TNT chicken tonite for dinner. It was SO yummy that we are having it again tomorrow! (Am considering it for crowd food) For future ref-does the sour cream go in at the first or the last on the stovetop version? Recipe said to add it 2x. Which I didn't notice till later, when I thought I should have added it. It tasted great, so I am not worried about it:) I had to tweak it a little since I didn't have exact things, but dried onions and beef boullion, and store tomatoes and chiles were great. My DD wants me to add olives to it-because it wasn't decadent enough with the sour cream. YUM. Thanks for the recipe.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    what, no feast ? Okay, you're forgiven this time. But next year we'll be knocking on your door, so, you've got a full year to cook.

    Thanks, Tigerman. Meanwhile, with all the great recipes I'm "bogarding" here on this thread, it should be a good one next year! LOL!

    Deep Southern Crabbie Pants:

    LOL, Unc! Very clever recipe.....but.....CP got that name because of his disposition....heheh I see you covered all that sourness in the recipe, though. LOL!

    We had the TNT chicken tonite for dinner. It was SO yummy that we are having it again tomorrow! (Am considering it for crowd food) For future ref-does the sour cream go in at the first or the last on the stovetop version? Recipe said to add it 2x. Which I didn't notice till later, when I thought I should have added it. It tasted great, so I am not worried about it:) I had to tweak it a little since I didn't have exact things, but dried onions and beef boullion, and store tomatoes and chiles were great. My DD wants me to add olives to it-because it wasn't decadent enough with the sour cream. YUM. Thanks for the recipe.

    JWdaughter, you can add the sour cream either at the beginning or at the end, doesn't matter. Adding ripe olives was something I was considering myself...heheh

    Will post another Tex-Mex and a cookie bar recipe next.

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