Do you have a favorite translation? King James, NIV, or others that I might not of heard of that are perhaps more poetically written. Or a style/version that you particularly like?
What is your favorite Bible Translation?
by Lo-ru-hamah 45 Replies latest watchtower bible
I loved that feminist bible that cropped up a few years ago.
Just shows how all scripture is inspired by god/[godess| -
I think of all of them the JEFFERSON BIBLE is the most intellectually honest.
Incidentally, I work in a bookstore that takes in hundreds of used Bibles.
Nobody READS them. Bibles are bestsellers because they make great GIFTS.
People don't READ them! People GIVE them.
The majority (the VAST MAJORITY) of Christians don't read the bible. What they do is read books by people who EXPLAIN the "meaning" of the Bible.
There is a huge difference.
The bible is a melange. It is a buffet. It is a slapdash.
If it weren't for the committee assembled by King James of England we'd have little respect for any of it.
Translating the bible is a misnomer. There is no "there" there to translate. Instead you have shards, splinters, dumpster retrievals and copies of copies of copies of translated opinions pretending to be actual words and deeds.
The bible is an exercise in superstition and totem making.
I recently purchased an NIV. I like the notes.
Sometimes, Terry, I wish you would take a moment to get your thoughts together that you may melodiously articulate your sense of things.
I like the Holman Christian Standaerd Bible.
Actually, I like them all, especially the New World Translation because it supports my decision to fire the Watchtower Society's Governing Body as my saviors.
My Favorite scripture (NIV) is Psalms 126---- I feel it is for those who were in bondage----Like me!!!
When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion
We were like men who dreamed
Our mouths were filled with laughter
Our tongues with songs of joy
Then it was said among the nations
The LORD has done great things for them
The LORD HAS done great things for US
And we are filled with joy
Restore our fortunes OH LORD!
Like streams in the Negev
Those who sow in tears ,will reap with joys of song
He who goes out weeping
Carrying seed to sow,
Will return with songs of Joy
Carrying sheaves with him. -
I haven't practiced too many English Bibles but I generally use the NRSV(New Revised Standard Version) which I find generally accurate as far as translation is concerned.
For the footnotes I suppose (from the French original edition) that the Jerusalem Bible must be among the best.
If it weren't for the committee assembled by King James of England we'd have little respect for any of it.
That may be true for English speakers.
If we broaden the scope, it took the invention of printing in the 15th century for the Bible to become a separate object (and perhaps a sort of fetish, at least in the Protestant world) in most European languages. Before it was essentially a church book, heard in services but hardly read apart from the church, hence not really distinct from (the rest of) tradition and liturgy.
Translating the bible is a misnomer. There is no "there" there to translate. Instead you have shards, splinters, dumpster retrievals and copies of copies of copies of translated opinions pretending to be actual words and deeds.
That's a bit excessive, as this would apply to most if not all ancient books (translating Plato or Aristotle would also be a misnomer by such standards).
There goes old stupid again I read it as what was my favorite scripture Sorry put it down to old age
I'm reading throught th NIV right now, but I'm not sure at this time which will be my favorite, I'm comparing many others also, however I am seeing the many flaws in the New World Translation. I don't see how it can be said to be accurate, when the meaning has been changed in so many places to fit the Witnesses beleifs. A person could actualy form different beliefs than what the Watchtower teaches strictly by reading a different translation of the Bible other than the NWT. seek2find