Do you hate Jehovah's Witnesses?

by The wanderer 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    Do you hate Jehovah's Witnesses or the organization?

    On the whole, it's the Organization. Or more specifically, the Governing Body. The R&F Witnesses are just following orders. Although some of them are truly dispicable. When I saw Witnesses on Dateline, going into court to support the pedophile, and not the victim, I found that inexcusable. Those people should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

  • Alwayshere

    I agree with stillajwexelder, the religion is evil and I hate the religion.

  • uwishufish


  • Honesty

    It's difficult to harbor ill will towards victims of an abusive cult.

  • becca1

    Not at all. I love these people. I hate what is being done to them. The deceit, the lost opportunities, the mind control... I have to restrain myself at every meeting so as not to shout out: "you're being deceived, think for yourselves!"

  • BabaYaga

    No, I love them... truly do love many who are still in.

    That's why it all hurts so much.


  • Kudra

    Wow- NO ONE said they hated the dubs...

    wonder how different the answer would be if we asked those "christians" if they hated apostates...

    So, me too: love the sinner, hate the sin.


    I agree with one of the first replies- negativity is really bad for us. But often i take to dwelling on how horribly WRONG the dubs are and how hateful they can be to those of us that disagree with them. I need to let go of that.

    No, I don't hate the JWs.


    I have nothing against individual Jehovah`s Witness`s..I don`t like the "Jehovah`s Witness Religion"..Why would I hate my friends and family?..WBT$ wants us to hate Jehovah`s Witness`s..That would support thier lies..F*ck the WBT$...OUTLAW

  • unclebruce

    Jehovah's Witnesses are taught to hate. One mind-control slogan being: "You must hate what is bad". To a large extent I reject the hate doctrine along with all the other soul destroying nonsense the Watchtower promotes. Hate has a place but if dwelt on is a destructive emotion and can damage it's host. A few years ago, when asked if he hated anyone, the Australian Prime Minister (Bob Hawk) described hate as the most corosive thing in human relationships.

    Though I despise the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and everything it stands for, I have no ill feeling toward most JW's as individuals but great empathy for those leaving.


  • JWdaughter

    Dittos to 'stillajwexelder'

    He said" no - I try not to hate people - but I hate the religion. Just like I quite like many muslims, but I truly believe the religion is evil incarnate and I will go to my grave believing that."

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