Do you hate Jehovah's Witnesses?

by The wanderer 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass
    Questions for consideration

    • Do you hate Jehovah's Witnesses or the organization?

    • No

    • Have you worked out your ill will toward them?

    • no

    • What is your general viewpoint of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    • They are the blind leading the blind.

  • bubble

    I don't hate jw's as most of my family are still in. Also I was friends with some genuinely lovely people when I was still in.

    What I hate is how all these innocent people have been lied to and brainwashed by an evil mind controlling cult.

  • fokyc

    I do NOT hate Jehovah's Witnesses, I DO hate the elders who lie about so many things and particularly those who lie in correspondance to the Service Desk at Bethel.

    I don't think they yet realise that the Society has to comply with 'The Data Protection Act' etc. and they DO comply with it!!


  • quixote

    Untill I started reading this thread, I thought I did hate JW's. Now I realize I don't hate the people because there are many which have good hearts. It is their ideology and their snobbishness which I can not bear.


  • LongHairGal


    Maybe hate is too strong a word in my case but for some others who have really been hurt I can understand. Maybe, "despise" is a better word for me. I won't get into the doctrinal issues. I'll let others do that. My issues are mostly with the things that went on in the congregations and the attitudes and feelings I picked up on.

    I was outraged by the phony brotherhood.

    I was outraged by the fact they didn't believe in higher education and looked down on secular work (as though money grew on trees), but they thought they should benefit from the fact YOU had a job!!

    I was outraged by pioneers who "didn't count the cost" and were execting "gifts" and favor$ from people.

    I was outraged by their issues about women. In my case, I got the sense they were resentful of me and certain people who perhaps because of jealousy wanted me to make concessions as though I "owed" somebody something. What nerve!


  • Finally-Free

    I have no "hate" for JWs, but I have no love for them either. I'll admit to having a strong dislike for them because although they are misled by the cult leaders, I feel that in itself does not excuse their inhumane conduct when it comes to shunning, their desire for the destruction of mankind, and their constant petty bickering, gossiping, and hen-pecking of their own members. I've never seen anyone take as much delight in the misery of others as JWs do, and I don't know anyone who will turn against their own families as quickly and completely.

    While it can be said the Watchtower has brainwashed the JWs into believing that this behaviour is acceptable, every normal person, in his gut, knows that such behaviour is abusive. I knew it even when I was under watchtower influence, so I can't believe for a minute that other JWs don't recognize the abusiveness of their behaviour. I'm certain that I was not the only one among them who had a brain or a grain of common sense. Their abusive behaviour is deliberate. They live for it. It's who they are.


  • Moomin

    To be honest, I do feel an intense dislike for certain ones at times. If I remember certain instances then I can become very angry and hateful but that's my problem that I'm trying to work on.

    I only hurt myself by being like that after all and no I haven't worked out my ill will torward them. If I did then it would only feed my anger and cause myself more harm as you are so right about it being bad for your health.

    There are some witnesses I knew that I liked so much and am so upset I will never see them again. I didn't know them very well but saw their behaviour and overheard a few comments. They really stood out as being non-judgemental and nowhere near self-righteous.

    I guess the fact that this made them stand out meant that on the whole the witnesses don't usually own either of those qualities. I wish I told them how much I liked them and wanted to be like them as they weren't very popular and usually had an air of sadness.

    I think my view of Jehovah's Witnesses in general is that I'm not really that keen on them.

  • Queengreen

    Hi! I am new to this forum and have never really even done this before. Anyways... I am studying with the witnesses and I THOUGHT this was a sight that was for them and not against them. I am by far not a witness but love the way they teach. No one has given me" their "opinion of what the scriptures says but if I have a question thay show me the answer in my KJ bible. Now that I am on this forum just out of curiousity why do you guys hate/dislike them. Just from reading a few topics it really sounds as if you guys really do hate them. because it sure doesn't sound loving. Even if you do disagree with their teachings why all the hatred? A few people said they didn't but that's not what it sounds like.

  • Finally-Free
    Even if you do disagree with their teachings why all the hatred?

    People tend to get upset when their families and friends effectively throw them in the trash simply because they disagree with watchtower teachings. My family broke up when I spoke up and said I disagreed with the Watchtower Society's policy of defending child molesters in court.

    Be careful if you have children. There may be a child molester in your congregation, but you are not allowed to know who you should protect your children from.

    Welcome to the board!



    QueenGreen..ReRead this thread,it`s obvious you only read the posts that suit you...OUTLAW

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