
by Xnived Shadow 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xnived Shadow
    Xnived Shadow


    I just got back from Iraq..... I was a JW before I left. I am readjusting to everything here in the real world and I gotta admit its kinda hard. My military and JW training make for alot of sleepless nights and painful days. My friend just called me and said I live a pathetic life. And honestly he's right. I have friends that i hang out with but I feel disconnected from everything. I dont know what to do.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hello Xnived Shadow, and welcome to the forum, I am glad you found us.

    Please stay with us, you will find genuine friendship here.


  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    Keep reaching out!


    Which service were you in...Army?

  • hambeak

    Welcome X S you will find you can bring up almost any subject and good people will give you some of their ideas and experiences on different matters. btw welcome home are you here for good or just on leave? Would love to hear some of your input on conditions over there.

  • carla

    Welcome! And Welcome home! Thanks for serving!

  • Xnived Shadow
    Xnived Shadow

    I was in the Navy (corpsman).

  • jaguarbass

    Having been a JW and then going into the military and a war, risking your life not knowing what your standing is for your eternal future. I can see where you would have had a lot of sleepless nights. Glad you made it back. I'm not a Christian, I am an agnostic. I would think being a Christian, at least a certain kind of Christian, nominal, would serve one in the miliatary to have some peace of mind. You got to know that when you catch some hot lead that your gwine up to heaven. That is the purpose of religion to enable people to die for those who make the golden rule. The golden rule is the one who has the gold makes the rules, and that aint you. Good luck in finding peace.

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    This is a place to just come and be yourself. You have been through a lot of things that may be hard for people to understand, but rest assured that the majority of people will listen without judging. It's OK to feel out of sorts, but its important to keep reaching out. This is a great place to do it. Thanks for your service and welcome home!

  • itsallgoodnow

    welcome tortured. I hope you find the help and support you need here.

    You're not pathetic. Don't let anyone make you think that.

  • Xnived Shadow
    Xnived Shadow

    Wow thanks for the replies guys. And for the support as well.....Jaguarbass man u gotta way with words man thank you and good wishes to you all,........ and thank you for your kindness.

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