After hearing the coverups and scandals, im thinking about leaving the WTS for good. While reading all of these coverups, I felt like my wife just cheated on me with my brother. . What should I do?
Should I leave the WTS?
by HamiltonPeppers 39 Replies latest jw friends
Leave by all means, but plan it very carefully.
I kinda find it pretty sad that they cover these things up. I guess the WTS is to busy trying to protect their image.
By all means leave. Don't let them fool you into thinking there's nowhere else to go. Take a look around here for awhile and read the experiences of those who escaped.
Besides the U.N and the Molestation, is there anything else i should know?
- The Mexico-Malawi scandal
- Misrepresentation of the blood issue
- Flip-flopped doctrines
- Mistranslated bible
- False Doctrine
- Promoting organization over personal relationship with Christ
I think I could go on...
Bluntly put, I highly recommend leaving the Watchtower immediately, without question, doubt, or fear! Never look back for any reason ... move forward and enjoy your humanity and your life.
Jim Whitney
I dont know its going to be real hard for me, because elders at my KH are real good friends with my family,and they have been for many years. Im going to try drifting away, and see what happends.
Welcome, Hamilton and good luck to you. There is a lot of support on this board for you as you unravel the lies from the 'truth'.
Lady Liberty
Dear Hamilton,
WELCOME to the forum!! It is quite shocking isn't it.. I am amazed all the time at what I keep seems to never end! Here are a few things I discovered.. there were about 40 items total, but I didn't get them all down on paper. It may give you some info. you haven't heard about yet.
Lady Liberty