Sorry for taking so long to reply, everyone. We got some fine instruction at the circuit assembly today.
How can you work in harmony with your prayer when you are praying for understanding Scripture? You cannot act in harmony until you understand, right?
What I meant by working in harmony with prayers goes for prayers in general. To understand a Scripture, you can work in harmony with that prayer to do so by doing research, asking the elders, etc. If you pray for a bible study with someone, you'd have to be in the ministry and offer one, right?
Like Red I’m not sure I understand what you are saying here. You pray for the aid of Jehovah’s spirit BEFORE you begin reading.
Not to be sarcastic or anything, but it's okay to pray afterward as well, when the time comes for you to meditate on the info you've covered.
And questioning-as in coming to them with your problem or query-the elders is fine, especially after you've done reasearch. Just because you've done reaseach on a topic in question doesn't mean you instantly have the answers. The elders are there to clarify things for you if need be. They're there to help!
The elders, as recently as a week ago, are still being counseled to look closely at sister's legs for violations of rules.
What's the rule? I was an attendant at my assembly this past weekend, and there were quite a few sisters in attendance who thought that perhaps it was okay to dress like Britney Spears or something. If people who aren't witnesses don't dress that immodestly, why should we? We want to remain different, and our dress is one of them. If we can't be told apart from those who are not servants of Jehovah by something as simple as our dress, how does that reflect on the Kingdom?
Brothers can indeed give talks if they have a beard. If you visit witnet, you'll see Gizmo Toronto, who was quite proud of the fact that he did just that with his goatee.
C'mon, people, lighten up! This is supposed to be a fun site for brothers and sisters, isn't it?