Possibility? They must be joking!
Watchtower January 1, 2007, 'The First Resurrection - Now Under Way!' p.28, after talking about Bible parallels:
"Three and a half years later, in the spring of 33 C.E., he was resurrected as a mighty spirit person. Could it, then, be reasoned that since Jesus was enthroned in the fall of 1914, the resurrection of his faithful anointed followers began three and a half years later, in the spring of 1918? That is an interesting possibility. Although this cannot be directly confirmed in the Bible, it is not out of harmony with other scriptures that indicate that the first resurrection got under way soon after Christ's presence began."
Contrast that with the soon-to-be-studied-again 'Revelation Climax' statement:
"All the evidence indicates that this heavenly resurrection began in 1918, after Jesus' enthronement in 1914 ..." (p.103)
You think they are introducing some 'wiggle room' in the chronology department?
Also included in the study article is a reiteration that "the resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today." Naturally, this idea relies on the biblical parallel whereby 1st century John represents the modern-day 'John class' which is being clued in by the heavenly '24-elder group' as to the identity of the 'great crowd.' But still, I am surprised to see this re-stated.