Well I survived day 1 ok, I only had one major "pang of distress" just before I hit the road on my motorbike as I usually smoke and carefully make sure I've packed all my smoking stuff before leaving the house.
I'm giving up smoking tomorrow
by ballistic 41 Replies latest jw friends
Well done matey...keep us informed as to your progress.
Well done ballistic, the first day is always tough.
You can do it!!
Go, Ballistic! Go, Ballistic! You da man! You da man!
Just remember that no matter how tempting it might be it only takes one puff to go at it full force again.
Those cravings you will feel actually only last a little over 12 seconds.
Make sure you clear EVERY trace of smokes out of your car and house or you'll be digging in the trash bin and ash trays for old butts.
Disgusting isn't it? That's why all the tobacco execs should be stood up against the farking wall and shot. I volunteer to pop a few myself.
All I can say is THANK GOD DAY 3 IS OVER. It really was the pits today... but it's supposed to get easier after today. I cannot believe just how difficult this has been, it's absolutely incredible what widthdrawl from a drug can do.
You can do it matey...be strong.
Isn't it amazing that a substance with such harsh addictiveness is seemingly one of the most socially acceptable drugs. I've tried other drugs that I would say have zero addictiveness compared to tobacco. Having said that, there's other I'm glad I've never tried.
Well, that's just about a week guys. It should start getting seriously easy now, already starting to reap the rewards.
The cravings will go away whether you smoke or not.