I can't be proud of my kids!

by WANTMOMBACK 24 Replies latest social family

  • YoursChelbie
    Don't sugarcoat or hide the truth from them. They will understand far more than you think.

    So true. The fact that their grandparents belong to a cult can be explained in a simple way. Just try to use words appropriate for their age. Children as young as 8 can grasp the truth about Santa and the tooth fairy. They are better off knowing the facts. They are intelligent enough at around this age to differentiate the fact from the fiction. This is best done sooner rather than later. Postponing telling something they will find out anyway just prolongs the time frame during which they will feel deceived.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Yes, you can be proud of your kids. Your mom has the problem accepting reality, not you. I have been there, done that, and I agree with folks who suggest telling your kids the truth, matter-of-factly, with as little judgment as you can. For providing a religious background for my daughter, I joined the Unitarian Universalist Church and enrolled my daughter in the Religious Education program, even though I'm an atheist. It's usually free, but they do like for parents to contribute in some ways, if possible (as with most such programs). I have never regretted doing it and didn't do it religiously; I just knew that when I felt like going to church and spending a little time with some very nice people, my daughter would be learning a little about our cultural history from some relatively balanced and caring folks, in an age-appropriate, non-judgmental setting (so completely different from what I was raised with at the Kingdom Hell). I also made sure that people from the church understood that UUism was my best antidote to JWism. (In fact, it is at the complete and absolute opposite end of the religious spectrum from the JWs). I was glad to see that everyone I encountered was able to understand and fully supported me and understood my motivation without question or judgement or preaching. If you enroll your kids in any kind of RE program at any church, it is probably a good idea to inform the teachers there of your situation; they too may have gentle ideas for handling and explaining things you want your kids to understand. I think it is also important you know they are not badmouthing your mother or her religion to the kids. Good luck with your endeavours!

  • sass_my_frass
    Why do schoolchildren in Australia sing America the Beautiful?

    I got a creepy little shiver thinking of that myself. Then I realised that she wouldn't have a Mom, she'd have a Mum. Anonymity.... Love, you've got to make some rules with your mum. They're your kids, and now it's your turn to make the rules. If you want to show a video, show a video - if it offends her that's her problem. If you keep tiptoeing around her precious sensibilities she'll keep pushing the line further and further.

  • Gill

    It's quite a problem isn't it!

    My elder kids are totally aware of why Gma and pa are such a pair of 'stick in the muds!'

    To the youngest, I tell her that Gma and Pa are in a Cult Religion. In that religion they are told everything they can and can't do and they can't do Birthdays, Christmas etc because if they do, the bad priests in charge of the cult will punish them by making them sit at the back of the church and not let any other people who go to that church speak to them because they want to make them very sad!

    Let's just say....She gets the picture.

  • diamondblue1974

    To the youngest, I tell her that Gma and Pa are in a Cult Religion. In that religion they are told everything they can and can't do and they can't do Birthdays, Christmas etc because if they do, the bad priests in charge of the cult will punish them by making them sit at the back of the church and not let any other people who go to that church speak to them because they want to make them very sad!

    Let's just say....She gets the picture.

    I know you were being serious here but I did laugh out loud at this Gill; when you put it so simply, the WTS society appear like a bunch of lunatics - excellent work.


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