Blood, Watchtower, Deceit, Aretaeus

by hawkaw 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • hawkaw

    The Watchtower provides a comment on the writings of Aretaeus in the pamphlet “How Can Blood Save Your Life?” (Copyright 2000). In Part 2 - titled “Blood--Vital For Life”, “What of Using Blood as Medicine?” section of the blood pamphlet, part of the third paragraph states the following:

    “Was blood used as medicine in Roman times? The naturalist Pliny (a contemporary of the apostles) and the second century physician Aretaeus report that human blood was a treatment for epilepsy.

    The Watchtower implies that Pliny and Aretaeus reported the idea of people using human blood as a legitimate “medical treatment” for epilepsy. As described in another thread ( ), page 64 of the book titled “Flesh and Blood” clearly shows Pliny describing people who bathed in blood instead of drinking or eating blood as a possible cure for leprosy and not epilepsy. Oops! Something, the Watchtower failed to mention to its readers while trying to rationalize a blood eating and/or transfusion ban.

    So what about this Aretaeus fellow? Who was this second century doctor and what do we know about him?

    The actual information used by the Watchtower is found in the book “Aretaeus, The Cappadocian.”, Edited and Translated by Francis Adams, LL.d., Printed for the Sydenham Society, London, 1856. On pages 470 and 471, Book I - Cure of Chronic Diseases, Chapter IV - Cure of Epilepsy, there is this quotation:

    “It is told, that the brain of a vulture, and the heart of a raw cormorant, and the domestic weasel, when eaten, remove the disease; but I have never tried these things. However, I have seen persons holding a cup below the wound of a man recently slaughtered, and drinking a draught of the blood! O the present, the mighty necessity, which compels one to remedy the evil by such a wicked abomination! And whether even they recovered by this means no one could tell me for certain. There is another story of the liver of a man having been eaten. However, I leave these things to be described by those who would bear to try such means”.

    The above quotation confirms that Aretaeus did report that human blood was used for epilepsy. But did Aretaeus say human blood was used as a “medical treatment” as the Watchtower blood pamphlet suggests?

    As clearly seen in the above quotation, Aretaeus reported “stories” or what we would call “old wise tales”. Examples of “old wise tales” include standing upside down to cure the hiccups, applying butter to treat a burn or wearing a garlic chain around one’s head to prevent a cold. All of the above examples are not true “medical treatments” but are “stories” or “tales”. When something is categorized as a “story” or “tale”, they have been proven not to treat the disease or symptom.

    Clearly, Aretaeus also reported the “stories” of eating a liver, a vulture’s brain, a cormorant’s heart and a weasel as cures of epilepsy. Aretaeus was very clear in this section of the book. These “old wise tales” did not work. And Aretaeus, a doctor, did not consider any of them, including human blood, as a “medical treatment” for the disease.

    From pages 468 to 473 of the book, Aretaeus provides second century medical treatments or practices to reduce fits caused by epilepsy. They included a number of herb remedies, diet restrictions and even sexual practices.

    The Watchtower blood pamphlet writers also left something else out when dealing with Aretaeus. The Watchtower’s blood pamphlet gives the impression that Aretaeus, as a doctor, and other respected medical people of the second century used human blood drinking as a standard treatment and did not object to the issue.

    But the writings of Aretaeus show he had major concerns over the cannibalistic and murderous act that took place on humans to obtain the human blood. Men were murdered in order to obtain their blood. Aretaeus considered the murdering of people for blood wrong, and he called the murder a “wicked abomination”.

    In supporting a partial blood transfusion ban, the Watchtower writers seem to miss the point that a lot of writers of the old Christian world such as Tertullian were making. Blood drinking was not the issue of these great works. The earlier Christians were more concerned with the murdering of innocent humans and the cannibalistic acts of eating their flesh and blood after being murdered. Early Christians and a lot of other people, such as Aretaeus, were trying to get the point across that it was wrong to kill people.

    With donor blood, no killing is involved. There is no religious or ritualistic aspect involved in modern blood transfusions. The practice of eating blood of slaughtered humans, which Aretaeus was against, is wholly dissimilar from accepting donor blood. Because the transfusion of donor blood or blood fractions practices did not then exist, no one knows how early Christians would have felt about this practice.

    In the next post, I have provided Appendix 1. In Appendix 1, I have typed out Chapter 4, Cure of Epilepsy from the book “Aretaeus, The Cappadocian.”, Edited and Translated by Francis Adams, LL.d., Printed for the Sydenham Society, London, 1856.

    Comments would be appreciated.


  • hawkaw

    Appendix 1

    Aretaeus, The Cappadocian., Edited and Translated by Francis Adams, LL.d., Printed for the Sydenham Society, London, 1856

    Cure of Chronic Diseases, Book I.

    Chapter IV

    Cure of Epilepsy

    Page 468

    Of remedies, whatever is great and most powerful is needed for epilepsy, so as to find an escape not only from a painful affection, and one dangerous at each attack, but form the disgust and opprobrium of this calamity. For it appears to me, that if the patients who endure such sufferings were to look at one another in the paroxysms, they would no longer submit to live. But the want of sensibility and of seeing conceals from

    Page 469 (paragraph continued)

    every one what is dreadful and disgusting in his own case. It is best that the method of cure should follow the alleviation of nature, when, with the changes of age, she changes greatly the man. For if the diet akin to the ailment, and on which the disease subsisted, be changed, the disease no longer seizes the man, but takes its departure along with that in which it delighted.1

    If, then, it seize on the head, it settles there; to it, therefore, we are to do those things which have been described by me under cephalaea, regarding the abstraction of blood (and also the purgings) from the veins at the elbow, the straight vein at the forehead, and by cupping; but the abstraction is not to be carried the length of deliquium animi; for deliquium has a tendency to induce disease; we are to open all the ordinary arteries before and behind the ears, and we are also to practice purgings, which are more potent than all these things, by the purgative hiera and those medicines should be particularly powerful, for the habit of such persons renders them tolerant of pains, and their goodness of spirits and good hopes render them strong in endurance. It is necessary, also, to apply heat to the head, for it is effectual. In the first place, we must perforate the bone as far as the diploe, and then use cerates and cataplasms until the meninx separate from the bone. The exposed bones are to be perforated with the trepan if still any small portion prevent spontaneous removal, when the meninx there is found black and thickened; and when, having gone through the process of putrefaction and cleansing under the bold treatment of the physician, the wound comes to complete cicatrization, the patients escape from the disease. In all cases we are to use rubefacient applications to the head; namely, the common ones, as described by

    1 See Hippocrat Aph. Ii. 45.

    Page 470 (paragraph continued)

    me formerly; and a still more powerful one is that from cantharides, but for three days before using it the patient must drink milk as a protection of the bladder, for cantharides are very injurious to the bladder. These are the remedies when the head is the part affected.

    But if the cause be seated in the middle parts, and if these induce the disease (this, however, very rarely happens, for, as in a mighty ailment, the middle parts of the body rather sympathise with the head, which is the origin of the disease), but however it may be, we must open the vein at the elbow in these cases also; for the flow by it is form the viscera. But such patients, more than the others, are to be purged with the hiera, cneoron,2 and the grnum cnidium,3 for these are phlegmagogues. But the most suitable remedy in these cases is cupping. Of epithemes and cataplasms the components are well known, and it would be superfluous to describe them on all occasions, except as far as to know the powers of them; namely, that by such means we must attenuate, promote exhalation, and render the secretions and perspirations healthy. We are also to use digestive, heating, desiccant , and diuretic articles, both in food and in medicine. But the best of all things is caster, taken frequently during the month in honeyedwater, and the compound medicines which possess the same powers, as the compound medicine from vipers, and the still more complex one of Mithridates, and also that of Vestinus; for these things promote digestion, form healthy juices, and are diureti; for whatever simple medicines you could describe are contained in these powerful compositions - cinnamon. Cassia, the leaves of melabathrum, pepper, and all the varieties of seseli; and which of the most potent medicines will you not find in them? It is told, that the brain of a vulture, and the heart of a raw cormorant, and the domestic weasel, when

    2 The rock-rose, or Daphne cneorum, L.
    3 Seed of the Daphne enidium. See Paulus Aegineta, t. iii. P. 179.

    Page 471 (paragraph continued)

    eaten, remove the disease; but I have never tried these things. However, I have seen persons holding a cup below the wound of a man recently slaughtered, and drinking a draught of the blood! O the present, the mighty necessity, which compels one to remedy the evil by such a wicked abomination! And whether even they recovered by this means no one could tell me for certain. There is another story of the liver of a man having been eaten. However, I leave these things to be described by those who would bear to try such means.

    It is necessary to regulate the diet, in respect to everything that is to be done either by others or by the patient himself. Now nothing must be omitted, nor anything unnecessarily done; and more especially we must administer everything which will do the slightest good, or even that will do no harm; for many unseemly sights, sound, and tastes, and multitudes of smells, are tests of the disease. Everything, therefore, is to be particularly attended to. Much sleep induces fattness, torpor, and mistiness of the senses, but moderate sleep is good. An evacuation of the bowels, especially of flatulence and phlegm, is very good after sleep. Promenades long, straight, without tortuosities, in a well ventilated place, under trees of myrtle and laurel, or among acrid and fragment herbs, such as calamint, penny-royal, thyme, and mint; so much the better if wild and indigenous, but if not, among cultivated; in these places, prolonged gestation, which also should be straight. It is a good thing to take journeys, but not by a river side, so that he may not gaze upon the stream (for the current of a river occasions vertigo), nor where he may see anything turned around, such as a rolling-top, for he is too weak to preserve the animal spirits (pneuma) steady, which are, therefore, whirled about in a circle, and this circular motion is provocative of vertigo and of epilepsy. After the gestation, a gentle walk, then rest so as to induce tranquillity of the agitation created by the gestation. After these, the exercises

    Page 472 (paragraph continued)

    of the arms, their extremities being rubbed with a towel made of raw flax. Not much oil to be used in the inunction. The friction to be protracted, and harder than usual for condensation, since most of them are bloated and fat: the head to be rubbed in the middle of the process, while the patient stands erect. The exercises of the neck and shoulders, chironomy, and the others mentioned by me under the treatment of Vertigo, with sufficient fulness of detail; only the exercises should be sharper, so as to induce sweat and heat, for all these attenuate. During the whole of his life he should cultivate a keen temper without irascibility.

    All kinds of food derived from gross pulse are bad; but we are to give frunentaceous things, the drier sorts of bread, washed alica, and the drinks prepared from them. The medicines added for relish the same as before; but there should be more of acrid things, such as pepper, ginger, and lovage. Sauces of vinegar and cumin are both pleasant and useful. From fleshes in particular the patient is to be entirely restricted, or at least during the cure; for the restoration, those things are to be allowed which are naturally light, such as all sorts of winged animals, with the exception of the duck, and such as fish, after which thirst is good. A white, thin, fragrant, and diuretic wine is to be drunk in small quantity. Of boiled pot-herbs, such as are possessed of acrid powers, attenuate and prove diuretic, as the cabbage, asparagus, and nettle; of raw, the lettuce in the season of summer. The cucumber and ripe melon are unsuitable to a strong man; but certain persons may have just a tasting of them. But being of a cold and humid nature, much of them is bad. The seasonable use may be granted of the green fig and the grape. Promenades; after these, recreation to dispel grief.

    Passion is bad, as also sexual enjoyment; for the act itself bears the symptoms of the disease. Certain physicians have

    Page 473 (paragraph continued)

    fallen into a mistake respecting coition; for seeing that the physical change to manhood produces a beneficial effect, they have done violence to the nature of children by unseasonable coition, as if thus to bring them sooner to manhood. Such persons are ignorant of the spontaneous law of nature by which all cures are accomplished; for along with every age she produces that which is proper for it in due seasons. At a given time there is the maturity of semen, of the beard, of hoary hairs; for on the one hand what physician could alter Nature's original change in regard to the semen, and, on the other, the appointed time for each? But they also offend against the nature of the disease; for being previously injured by the unseasonableness of the act, they are not possessed of seasonable powers at the proper commencement of the age for coition.

    The patients ought to reside in hot and dry places, for the disease is of a cold and humid nature.

  • Seeker

    Excellent work, hawk. I did not know this, but I am glad to know it now.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Hawkaw,

    great piece of research.

    Again you demonstrated at that WTS would try anything,

    included very old writing, almost unknown , at least

    for many of us do defend " a viewpoint on blood ",

    " a particular scriptural teaching" which as we know,

    by now, is everchanging!

    As you wrote correctly:

    "In supporting a partial blood transfusion ban, the Watchtower writers seem to miss the point that a lot of writers of the old Christian world such as Tertullian were making. Blood drinking was not the issue of these great works. The earlier Christians were more concerned with the murdering of innocent humans and the cannibalistic acts of eating their flesh and blood after being murdered. Early Christians and a lot of other people, such as Aretaeus, were trying to get the point across that it was wrong to kill people. "

    Try to explain such thing, to the average - indoctrinated -


    Thanks for the great scholastic research!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

  • hawkaw


    I am still working on a few more.


  • LDH


    I wish there was some way I could communicate this to my parents without immediately being labelled.....apostate!

    Not that I mind the label, but their brains go into shut down mode.

    How I wish I could get them to research the society's 'research.'

    Once again, excellent work on the blood issue.


  • hawkaw


    I am sorry you cannot present this and other works by Marvin, Maximus, et. al. to them.

    I wonder if something came in the mail that did not have a return address would help. But if we did get them to see the deception, they would think that some of the brothers (not the GB of course) got a little out of control.

    Hope it all helps and take care.



  • LDH

    Hawk, not only would I present your articles, and Marvin's and Maximus', but also Norm's and MacHislopps and a few others.

    Perhaps I could send them Norm's more gentle "The elusive Brother Some."

    Just last week was the first time in 15 years I was able to make my father admit that the Society openly discouraged college. He tried to use all sorts of Red Herrings to sidetrack the argument but I would not let him out of it.

    My mother won't speak to me at all. Her loss.

    Didn't mean to hijack your thread, just tell you that I think there's many of us here who agree with all that you write but struggle to break it down to milk.

    Remember Paul's words? The WBTS have been keeping millions in a state of liquified suspended animation with their milk, and trying to make babes eat meat is a challenge.

    Thank you for you research.


  • hawkaw


    It would be interesting to ask your father why the WTS belongs to NGO which is part of the United Nations and seeing you need to support the UN to belong to NGO. Ask him that you are confused because you were taught the UN was the "beast" but here it looks like the WTS has been in bed with the UN for years!!! Ask him - Seeing it is a disfellowingshipping offence to belong to the UN just what is going on?

    See what kinda response you get?


    p.s. - stay in a questioning and "dumb" mode, let him see the evidence only when he asks for it (ie. the NGO web site and the DPI stuff), then let him decide for himself based on the evidence. Do not tell him what you think just stay in questioning mode.

  • Julie

    Wow Hawk--

    Well done! Thanks for the lesson. It is amazing some of the medical knowledge that was known back then. Seems the Romans used some techniques being returned into service again these days (i.e. staples not stitches).

    I am not surprised to see the deceitful way the WT twisted what this man *really* said. It's the only way they can give credibility to their backwards policies. Very evil of them. Hope many see this.


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