Adulterers are Worse than Pedophiles

by gumby 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby
    gumby least according to Jehovahs Witnesses.

    If a sister at the Kingdom Hall suspect her hubby is playing naughty with another woman and she finds her hubbys car has been parked at anothers womans house ALL NIGHT, then she can write a letter stating she is sure that adultry has taken pace and divorce him, and he is then disfellowshipped, and she still remains in good standing..............but,

    if a child tells their parents and the brothers at the Kingdom Hall that they were molested sexually by a brother at the hall, and this accused brother denies this accusation and there is no other witnesses to this claim, then he is veiwed as not guilty and remains in good standing.

    Why do you suppose the accused adulterer is treated differently.....even if he denies that he commited adultry?


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Adultery isn't a crime that is punishable by prosecution, while child abuse is. An adulterer brings shame on just him/herself, but a paedophile damages the reputation of the watchtower.

  • fokyc

    and he is then disfellowshipped

    Don't you believe it! My daughter-in-law was being 'served' by a City O'seer for 10 years and he had to stand down but was NOT disfellowshipped.


  • Scully

    Pedophiles and pedophilia aren't mentioned in the Bible, though, are they? Incest is considered wrong, but pedophilia was not even on their radar back then.

    In fact, wasn't it common back then for the men to wait until they were in their 30s before they got married, usually to a girl just barely past puberty? The reasoning was that once a girl started having periods, they'd better get her married off a.s.a.p. so she couldn't get pregnant out of wedlock (whether she was willing participant in the act or not) and bring shame on her family.

    Remember that these are the people whose mindset was that it was perfectly acceptable for a young woman who had been raped to be required to marry the guy who raped her. She didn't even get a choice in the matter. These are also the people who viewed women and children as property; they basically "traded" their daughters in exchange for the financial alliances and social benefits that derived from the marriage.

    Adultery in Bible times was not an issue of the marriage bed being defiled; it was a matter of a man's exclusive property rights being violated.

    By the way, how come it was ok back then for a man to have several wives, but women could only have one husband? Was adultery only the woman straying from the marriage in Bible times?

  • juni

    Hi Gumby big bro'

    Gumby said:

    If a sister at the Kingdom Hall suspect her hubby is playing naughty with another woman and she finds her hubbys car has been parked at anothers womans house ALL NIGHT, then she can write a letter stating she is sure that adultry has taken pace and divorce him, and he is then disfellowshipped, and she still remains in good standing

    That is so naive for the elders to narrow down the dirty deed to nighttime activity. As some other poster had said, have they never heard of afternoon delight (an older song)?

    What I think may be the answer here is this:

    In the first case you have adults who are believed.

    In the second case you have children who tend not to be believed. Perhaps since the org. is run by very ancient men who grew up at a time when "children should be seen and not heard", there is less concern to get to the bottom of the claims. And really, who thinks that there would be witnesses to child molestation? And if there are, it's usually the mate of those abusers who don't want the dirty laundry to be aired to all. They cover for the abuser.

    It is so sad and for these abused children it means a lifetime of mental suffering that they have to deal with.


  • Mary
    Why do you suppose the accused adulterer is treated differently.....even if he denies that he commited adultery?

    I've often wondered that myself. The only thing I can come up with, is that it's the Governing Body's out-of-date mentality that is causing this problem. None of them have children (as far as I know), they've lived isolated from the world for decades and they're obsessed with their reputation. The GB have an extremely chauvanistic/1920s attitude towards both women and children. Pedophilia was not uncommon back then but it was considered very shameful and if your son or daughter came to you and said "daddy/uncle joe/cousin billy touched me down there", then more often then not, it was simply ignored. Sex was considered "dirty" and that's exactly how the Governing Body continues to think of it.

    While they might have a tiny bit of sympathy for the children who are victims of pedophilia, their main concern is the reputation of the Organization. If they have to chose between sacrificing children and the WTB&TS, guess who wins? Plus, I'm sure the GB does not want the authorities to know that some of their members are committing crimes. Adultery is no longer a crime in this country---pedophilia is.

    Their false sense of how important they are, their bizarre interpretations of the scriptures along with their isolation from reality plus their extremely backwards view of children have all combined to give them a totally warped sense of justice .

    This really shouldn't come as any surprised. Remember the old Aid book? Under "Divorce" it said that beastiality and homosexuality do not constitute "pornia" and are not grounds for divorce. So if you slip up and fool around with a member of the opposite sex, that was grounds for a divorce, but you can shag your dog till the cows come home and that's somehow different.

    Makes perfect sense eh?

  • reneeisorym

    They won't disfellowship the man just because she said she saw him. They will let her remarry though.

    Even still --

    You are right that they make pedophiles seem worse than adulterers.

  • gumby
    By the way, how come it was ok back then for a man to have several wives, but women could only have one husband?

    Because god is a man and he wrote the bible dammit! Women are sluts and men are studs and don't you forget it......scullymeister!

    So if you slip up and fool around with a member of the opposite sex, that was grounds for a divorce, but you can shag your dog till the cows come home and that's somehow different.

    Mary, I've told you more than once to quit tellin people about my faults. I love my dog and that makes all the difference in the world.......and you tell your cousin Billy to quit touchin you down there or I'll kick his freakin arse!


    Perhaps since the org. is run by very ancient men who grew up at a time when "children should be seen and not heard",

    I'm sure this has alot to do with it and you make some good points.

    The problem is, they apply "the two witness rule" when it comes to a brother being accused of Pedophilia, yet they DO NOT apply it if a brother denies he commited adultry, rather because there are witnesses to a brothers car being parked all night at sister slutties house, they play god and judge a mans own testimony as false and pay homage to a parked car of his. If my car is parked in front of a bar all night, does it mean I got drunk off my arse?


  • MinisterAmos

    Adultery is worse than pedophilia because Jehovah says so.

    Jehovah HATES adulterers. On the other hand, Biblical Times marriages were often arranged between very young children. It was also perfectly acceptable for older men to marry very young girls.

    But they were married before doing it is the point that should be made here.

    As far as two witnesses being required before a JC is convened, that's not exactly correct. The very fact that two unmarried (or any other combination of marital status) Dubz of the opposite sex are alone together is reason for concern.

    Alone together in a house for the night? Forget it; immediate JC for both.

    To keep things in perspective here, SLAVERY was just fine in Jehovah's mind, PEDOPHILIA is OK too; just don't have sex before marriage.

  • Mary
    Gumdrunk asked: If my car is parked in front of a bar all night, does it mean I got drunk off my arse?

    Knowing you? Yep.

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