Why do you suppose the accused adulterer is treated differently.....even if he denies that he commited adultery?
I've often wondered that myself. The only thing I can come up with, is that it's the Governing Body's out-of-date mentality that is causing this problem. None of them have children (as far as I know), they've lived isolated from the world for decades and they're obsessed with their reputation. The GB have an extremely chauvanistic/1920s attitude towards both women and children. Pedophilia was not uncommon back then but it was considered very shameful and if your son or daughter came to you and said "daddy/uncle joe/cousin billy touched me down there", then more often then not, it was simply ignored. Sex was considered "dirty" and that's exactly how the Governing Body continues to think of it.
While they might have a tiny bit of sympathy for the children who are victims of pedophilia, their main concern is the reputation of the Organization. If they have to chose between sacrificing children and the WTB&TS, guess who wins? Plus, I'm sure the GB does not want the authorities to know that some of their members are committing crimes. Adultery is no longer a crime in this country---pedophilia is.
Their false sense of how important they are, their bizarre interpretations of the scriptures along with their isolation from reality plus their extremely backwards view of children have all combined to give them a totally warped sense of justice .
This really shouldn't come as any surprised. Remember the old Aid book? Under "Divorce" it said that beastiality and homosexuality do not constitute "pornia" and are not grounds for divorce. So if you slip up and fool around with a member of the opposite sex, that was grounds for a divorce, but you can shag your dog till the cows come home and that's somehow different.
Makes perfect sense eh?