Adulterers are Worse than Pedophiles

by gumby 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Carpenter and Poztate:

    The web experience of ex-JWness is kinda new to me so "Thanks" for the info on the Silentlambs site....went there..... HOLY CRAP!

    Big Tex said:

    ...combine those two issues, mix in average intelligence and perception, dollop in average education, and now present a group of men (read: body of elders) who are presented with the complexity, and multi-faceted dysfunction that is incest. On one hand there is a "respectable" man and the other is a child.

    Good thoughts... kinda' got me to wondering, what kind of training (if any) do elders recieve before attaining the position as "clergy"?

  • confusedjw

    Gumby - your observations and the way your present them are a wonderful addition to this site.


    ps. My nutsack is on it's way for the Thanksgiving Special - "We make it look better than a gobbler's neck"

  • oldflame

    YEAH ! And I will say this. If you are a witness they have the two witness rule but if you are a person of the world you are instantly guilty no matter who said what . So what makes them think that any other person in the world is any different . Are not all people Gods children ? Even if the watch tower was right (and I know they ain't) who is to say that if all people were Gods children then all people could become a witness ? Right ? Just who are they to judge anyone for anything ? Don't they believe that Jehovah is the judger and him alone ? And if you ask any witness if they respect it's laws and follw them they will say of course ! Well if a person knows that someone is a molestor, raper, adulterer and then they do not report to the authorities then where is the respect for the law that they claim to abide by. Is it not illegal to know a crime has been commited and not report it ?

    These people make no sense to me. It makes me very sad for all those who are victims even adultery. I've been cheated on , I know how it feels. It sucks big time. This religion is what Bush would call a flip flopper (LOL)

  • FlyingHighNow

    Why do you suppose the accused adulterer is treated differently.....even if he denies that he commited adultry?


    One important thing is that it's not easy to get out of marriage in the org. So they try to make it easier. All you have to have is an admission from your mate that they cheated and you've got a way out. This is another way out.

  • HoChiMin

    Is it any wonder, is anyone truly suprised that the vast majority of men would side with the abuser/pedophile/incestuous father over the child? The abuser/pedophile/incestuous father looks good, presents a good image, has a plausible excuse for every accusation. But more importantly, it would take time, effort and a lot of courage to wade into that situation. To do so goes contrary to what I've posted above, as well as it would detract from selling the literature. God forbid! We can't have that.

    Big Tex, well said. That is precisely why the police must be called.


  • misguided
    While they might have a tiny bit of sympathy for the children who are victims of pedophilia, their main concern is the reputation of the Organization. If they have to chose between sacrificing children and the WTB&TS, guess who wins?

    What sympathy??? There was NO sympathy in my case.

    It was like...go back into the pasture you crazy sheep. Even though we know it's true---you must have made the whole thing up. Your sanity is being sacrificed for the sake of the WTB&TS!!!


  • Terry

    The characters in the bible are poster models of incest and adultry.

    When you study these people and their lives it leads to a conditioning of one's sense of ethics.

    Jehovah loved David despite so many ugly, malicious, nasty and immoral deeds. Blah blah blah. No one in a Kingdom Hall could get away with what David did. Could they? Well, some do if they are "connected".

    My point is this. Once you immerse yourself in the smarmy so-called morality of the Old Testament it warps your sense of outrage and justice to the point you are unable to reason fairly. That is why the JW sheep must simply rely on AUTHORITY to declare what is right and wrong arbitrarily, capriciously and whimsically.

    The Governing Body makes Ad Hoc judgements as they see fit because there is nothing clear cut about right and wrong in the Bible. There seems to be. I'll grant you. But, the deeds of the most famous of god's "faithful" demonstrate anything goes.

    Oh, before I go.....Tamar is certainly a wonderful role model, isn't she?

    Get the picture?

  • gumby
    Well if a person knows that someone is a molestor, raper, adulterer and then they do not report to the authorities then where is the respect for the law that they claim to abide by. Is it not illegal to know a crime has been commited and not report it ?

    Actually OldFlame, if the state they dwell in REQUIRES that you report a molestation, then they are encouraged to do so. If I remember correctly there are 27 states that require reporting to authorities molestation. A witness is first encouraged to report it to "the brothers", then I believe they call the society and they tell you if your state requires reporting it and if your state does not require it, they don't report it and handle it themselves through the local congregation. Any way they can "save face", they do so.

    Terry, you make some honest points. The slaughter by god in the O.T. would make any non-preconditioned person appauled by many of the actions that god did himself, or allowed to happen in which justice was not carried out fairly as you demonsrated with king David. If two kids were eaten by two she bears for calling a patriarch a baldhead, then David should have had his nutsack slapped with a hammer till he died.


  • watson

    Gumby wrote:

    At the meeting last night there was a part on womens submission in the congregation.....and so I looked at all the womens faces and they were glued to the speaker as if they were disgusted at the information.

    At our meeting the brother that gave this part was so young his voice was still cracking!! Hilarious.


  • thecarpenter

    wow, slapping someone nutsack with a hammer till they died sounds pretty severe..., Gumby, are you off your meds again?

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