OK girls, tell me what I did wrong.

by Abandoned 43 Replies latest social relationships

  • Sparkplug
    just be yourself..do what you naturally want to do..someone will love you for it...and if they don't then you wont have to pretend different for the rest of ya life

    Is that not the truth? I have scared people not meaning to and I have been in situations where giving my best meant nothing and what I found odd just yesterday was someone from observing me and my being hurt over giving all and getting no response, called last night and said the same thing to me and just wanted to talk to the person they admired. That was me. Can you believe that? So at 4 AM I drug my tired butt to bed and had had the most brain stimulating conversation like I have not had in years. I don't think I was able to give the man what he was looking for, but I made a distant friend a lot closer.

    Go figure. Even when a person feels like they are failing I am finding there are people out there that don't think you are one bit stupid for trying. In fact sometimes they actually admire you. Be it good or bad. So now I think I have made a great friend and over all I feel a lot better knowing not everyone takes my efforts for granted. I am a bit happy that out of one of the worst times in my life I have made some of the best relationships with people. So Tiki- I agree wholeheartedly with what you had to say. Be yourself. That way there is no pretending. Not everyone appreciates it, but the ones that do, well there is a real treasure.

  • crazyblondeb

    Trust me guys, he don't need any help!!! Tongue Stretch

  • XU

    Abandoned, Go to the library and get this book on tape called, "He's Just Not That Into You."(The first one) It's written for girls I guess, but it's really written for anyone (you and me) that will spend a lot of our valuable cool person time wrapped up in fantasy what-if land making up all the excuses in the world for why some douche is not running into our arms. It's typical of people with issues, we have them. That doesn't mean we aren't perfectly dateable. She's a timebomb and you want to fix her and help her because you sense in her the craziness that you have pulled yourself through. However, she won't appreciate it and you want someone who takes the initiative to figure her crap out, just like you have. The book reminds you that no matter what is going on in someone's life, if they like you and are worth your time, you will know it by their actions. You will feel special and happy and lucky. If you chase the wingnuts, you will waste your time and make yourself feel bad when it ends in failure. If you like her because you want to help her, don't get it twisted. Help her as a friend and date someone else. Get the book on tape. You'll laugh and learn.

  • vitty

    Do you know why she is in therapy...............I would be very careful getting involved with someone who has got some problems that they need working out.

    Especially as you yourself feel a bit vulnerable ...............you need a light hearted friendship with a girl........movies meals out .......You need a bit of fun

  • yesidid

    Why not ask your wife, she both knows you and how women think.

  • Sparkplug

    Why not ask your wife, she both knows you and how women think.

    Where did that come from?

  • mouthy

    The only thing I can think of is I told her I bought her a b-day card and that I may bring it by work on Friday

    That was it!!! she probably waited all day Friday for you. & figuered another promiser ,,,that dont keep the promises.. Sorry darling!!! it is tough getting into these dating experiences ....But dont let this hold you back if you like her persue her. Though she sounds like she could also have a few hangups....(((HUGS

  • imfreeimfree
    Where did that come from?

    Abandoned said in another thread that he had a wife, that's where it came from.

  • Sparkplug
    Where did that come from?
    Abandoned said in another thread that he had a wife, that's where it came from.

    I thought later he was separate or divorced. Maybe he should answer or adress that. Pretty sure he is single now. But I am not him.

  • crazyblondeb

    Trust me, he's single.

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