just be yourself..do what you naturally want to do..someone will love you for it...and if they don't then you wont have to pretend different for the rest of ya life
Is that not the truth? I have scared people not meaning to and I have been in situations where giving my best meant nothing and what I found odd just yesterday was someone from observing me and my being hurt over giving all and getting no response, called last night and said the same thing to me and just wanted to talk to the person they admired. That was me. Can you believe that? So at 4 AM I drug my tired butt to bed and had had the most brain stimulating conversation like I have not had in years. I don't think I was able to give the man what he was looking for, but I made a distant friend a lot closer.
Go figure. Even when a person feels like they are failing I am finding there are people out there that don't think you are one bit stupid for trying. In fact sometimes they actually admire you. Be it good or bad. So now I think I have made a great friend and over all I feel a lot better knowing not everyone takes my efforts for granted. I am a bit happy that out of one of the worst times in my life I have made some of the best relationships with people. So Tiki- I agree wholeheartedly with what you had to say. Be yourself. That way there is no pretending. Not everyone appreciates it, but the ones that do, well there is a real treasure.