tdogg,glad you liked it,although i can't take the credit for it,i came across it while searching about religion,
'Lost' redux
by Rex B13 39 Replies latest jw friends
Rex B13
lost= without salvation.
Why do I say that? You've gotten answers that run from conservative to liberal. Not only do you disagree with them, you even deny they have been there.Alan,
Does it depress you to know that life is meaningless?Trog,
( ) The contents of your brain.
Rex -
I share the same beliefs as AlanF, and believe me, life is not meaningless. Life is wonderful and glorious. If there is an after life, then so be it. I don't think the following of some narrow religion with all its built in hatred that you have displayed here will increase the odds of getting there. You are a doomed man in the eyes of God because of your abject hatred and revenge for others. Your time here is meaningless, and why you can't see it is a mystery to me. You would be better served if you spent additional time in your charitable work than coming here to aggravate others. If you are a Christian, spent your time in Christian activities, rather than in inflammatory rages against us. Shame on you.
Rex B13
All of you have a problem with me.
I remind you that you have a secret fear in your hearts; that fear is that 'Christendom was right all along'.
I hold a mirror up to your own hypocrisy. I refuse to be cowered by grandiose misrepresentations. I refuse to be shut up by bellicose attacks and insults. I defend the faith aggressively and yes, true to my humanity, I am very imperfect and really no better than anyone else.
I am earnest and sincere.
I stand for my faith and attack those who would propagate slander and lies about those who are simply living their faith.
I would do anything for any individual in need, including those whom I argue with here every day.
The biggest lie propagated here is the contention that Christianity has no valid teachings and there is no difference between Christ's life, His example and the various false teachings in the world.Atheistic Liberals love to claim that Christians who will not knuckle under to their assertions are somehow violating their own beliefs.
This site takes up only a few hours of my time and it has resulted in people getting to know me by e-mail and some have been turned back from the pit that everyone here dances on the edge of with uncaring glee.
Rex -
> All of you have a problem with me.
Not at all. Presumably, the reason for the existence of a discussion board is to discuss. If you don't like it then don't post and you'd be forgotten. But, by all means keep on posting. That way your idiocy, and that of your ilk, is exposed continually.
> I remind you that you have a secret fear in your hearts; that fear is that 'Christendom was right all along'.
What a silly assumption. It may make you feel good but that's about it. The reason for any antipathy to your ideas is not that you _might_ be right but the certainty, even based on NT standards, that you are wrong. More particularly it is the sad fact that dysfunctional fundamentalists such as yourself can cause much damage. Witness the WTS and recent happenings at the WTC. In another arean, your basic views of women differ little from those of the Taleban.
> I hold a mirror up to your own hypocrisy.
You're the hypocrite. There are certain well defined scientific principles which you continually misrepresent so as to further your own agenda. In themselves these scientific principles are "God neutral" and yet you conscript them and twist them to push your selfish faulty views. The 2nd Law of thermodynamics is one example. Yet, you claim to be a propoent of truth. This is documentable hypocrisy. Care to document our hypocrisy?
>I refuse to be cowered by grandiose misrepresentations.
Easy to say on an internet discussion board. Big talk from a small mind.
> I refuse to be shut up by bellicose attacks and insults.You indulge in bellicose attacks and insults when you are unable to answer cogent arguments based on documented facts. And that is pretty much all the time. Proof? Let's see how/if you answer this post and my challenge to you to explain the 2nd Law.
> I defend the faith aggressively and yes, true to my humanity, I am very imperfect and really no better than anyone else.
A lot worse than many. You're a liar, albeit an accidental one beacuse you are so carried away with your religious fanaticsm.
> I am earnest and sincere.
What is this, a job application?
> I stand for my faith and attack those who would propagate slander and lies about those who are simply living their faith.and working to impose that faith on others, by force of law if they can.
> I would do anything for any individual in need, including those whom I argue with here every day.
I believe that. The problem, Rex, is that "anything" might include being reasonable, as opposed to being dogmatic. In a sense you are like Martha. Very ready to aid physically. Spiritual things, often in a nonreligious sense, are more imprtant. However, maybe there is more to you than meets the eye.
> The biggest lie propagated here is the contention that Christianity has no valid teachings and there is no difference between Christ's life, His example and the various false teachings in the world.
You are welcome to believe that. I don't say that Christianity has no valid teachings. In fact, I think that many Christians have valid teachings, as do members of other religions. In reality, Fundamentalist Christianity is quite a distortion from most past and modern versions of Christianity, although in different ways. Ultimately it is destructive because it abhorrs thought, as does the WTS. What makes you such an expert on religion, having already been fooled once?
> Atheistic Liberals
What are you, a Christian or a politician? Atheism has nothing to to with liberalism. I understand your mistake, however, which is based on the following; atheism and liberalism both spring from education. However, they are not the same thing and are often not even related. For the record I'm not an atheist. But I do understand why you misunderstand both things. Actually I'm not much of a liberal either. Both tags are convenient ways to label what you don't understand. It i seasy to paint someone who has serious scientifically based concerns about the environment as a "liberal" but it is as really stupid thing to do. For example, I'll bet you can't explain what the Ozone hole is or why it exists. So you deride those who have looked into it as being "atheistic liberals."
>love to claim that Christians who will not knuckle under to their assertions are somehow violating their own beliefs.
You _are_ violating your own beliefs to make your world view work. You seem to be a rabid conservative proponent of American ideals who has stated that the Golden Rule does not apply when it comes to politics, i.e., American values and the projection of American values overseas. That's fine but it sure as hell isn't Christian. For example, what is the Christian basis for backing Israel?
Self portrait?
> This site takes up only a few hours of my time
He protest'th too much. What is it Rex, lay the soul bare time? Who gives a tuppeny damn how long you spend here? It's what you say that counts.
> and it has resulted in people getting to know me by e-mail and some have been turned back from the pit that everyone here dances on the edge of with uncaring glee.
I understand that think that you are the "great white hope" but forget it. Many of us want to do what we can in this life without judging people on their beliefs or lifestyles. If God wants to screw us for that then that is our call, and His call, not yours. You do seem to be on the verge of a Messianic complex. Historically that condition has rarely worked out well.
Are you loosing it? This thread is the worse rant, I have seen from you, and your last post in another good example.
I don't have any "secret fear" in my heart. That is an inference on your part based on how your mind works, friend. My mind doesn't work like yours. Beleive me, I have no fears. Now, with that cleared up let's go to your reference of hypocrisy, I say exactly what I mean, and I behave in accordance with my value system, therefore, this word "hypocrisy" is just an aimless insult on your part, and has no foundation. Now, regarding my comments to you, I don't see them as "bellicose attacks" or "misinterpretations" at all. I see them as a direct and strong statements as to what I consider to be foolishness on your part. Since you said that you are "no better than anyone else," why are you using such inflammatory language against us, since we are your equal by your own words?
Now, if you have helped some via private e mails - good for you.
By the way, your long rant at the beginning on your first post didn't fit me at all, but I am not going to take the time to go through it line by line to explain my self. It is not worth it.
Rexie whined:
: Alan, Does it depress you to know that life is meaningless?
It may be meaningless to you without a god to tell you every little thing, but not to me. Don't judge others according to your own inadequacy.
And I'd watch out if I were you -- you're "guilty enough to go into the fiery hell."
Since coming here last December, I have encountered several posters like you and this have given me new insight into how the mind of the true believer, proseletizer works.
You say something, and I disgree. I am engaging in slander.
You do something and I do it differently, then I am a hypocrite.
Since I disagree with you, I am damned.
I have seen this pattern over and over again, and the words slander and lies, comes up on a regular basis. The theme of the script is always the same.
Under the veneer of love is a strong undercurrent of hate.
Rex B13
>Since coming here last December, I have encountered several posters like you and this have given me new insight into how the mind of the true believer, proseletizer works.
Oh really? That is an awfully broad assertion considering you only know me from a scant few posts.
>You say something, and I disgree. I am engaging in slander.
Not at all. Nope. When you make generalizations (about Christians) that seem to be part and parcel to JWism, THAT is often slander. You must remember, we were all taught to hate 'Babylon the Grape' (tm Farkel) by momma Borg. I've heard so much, 'If the WTS is wrong, then no religion is right' over the years it makes me gag.
>You do something and I do it differently, then I am a hypocrite.
Nope. ALL of us are 'hypocrites' to a degree because of our fleshly nature. I happen to see it as 'hypocritical' for one to assume that because the WBTS is so deceitful that there is no truth in God's word. I also see it as slanderous to blame ALL Christians and the teachings for the acts of claimed or 'carnal' Christians. In reality, when one becomes 'saved', the Holy Spirit begins to force the old flesh out of the picture. Different people make progress in different ways. It is also not a work that anyone can do in the first place. God the Father calls us out, He draws us to the Son, the Son seals us and the Holy Spirit indwells us. Sit down sometime with a commentary on Romans and read it through, or even a good study Bible.
>Since I disagree with you, I am damned.
Nope. If you are damned it is soley because you do not accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour. THAT is from the Bible. That is where by belief system begins. I stand on the shoulders of the foundation, which are the apostles, and the cornerstone, Christ Jesus.
Amen!>I have seen this pattern over and over again, and the words slander and lies, comes up on a regular basis. The theme of the script is always the same.
Yes, I get it from the very same ones who are so popular amongst the ahteist/agnostic clique here.
>Under the veneer of love is a strong undercurrent of hate.
Nope, that is completely unbiblical. Love thy God with all of thy soul: Love thy neighbor as thyself. All of God's law rests on these two concepts.
What you want is for Christians to bend over backwards and ENDORSE any lifestyle that anyone wants to lead. The 'politically correct' of this time have turned sin into good and pure thoughts and actions into 'intolerance'.
I am simply defending the faith, sometimes too aggressively, but hey, who's perfect?
Rex -
Rex you are entitled to your beliefs and I try to keep and open mind and learn from what people post here. But I would have to agree with Larc that there is a "strong undercurrent of hate" in your words. Everything you say has a venomous tone to it.
Your rebuttal: "Nope, that is completely unbiblical." So then you apparantly are completely biblical. Your posts do not come out of love as one who would call himself a "follower of Christ", instead you appear belligerant and spiteful. This in itself would be okay except that you do it as a spokesman for Christ, the Prince of Peace.