hello ross my old friend!
way cool post, and thread.
in the last while, i have come to understand with greater clarity, that there are many ways of knowing, and being, of which the empirical is but one. a very important, and perhaps manifestly real one, but it is only one way of seeing, none-the-less. i think that people who only want to approach the universe and existence with *one* way of knowing and being, are short-changing themselves, even if it is ONLY the empirical that they hold to.
i believe that there is a balance (the middle-road-mind) to be struck with the empirical and transcendental, for an enriched human experience. one can truly experience, with a sort of faith (eek!), certain experiences of a so-called mystical nature, and still in the light of day analyze them with their empirical mind. i feel that there is power in this, as i am sure you know.
i mean, i think many of us know what the most elegant and simple explanations for mystical experiences are. i think science is showing us what they are. but i do not think that this knowledge lessens the value of the mystical experience. for example, over the last few months, i have had several experiences that many would consider totally mystical. this is because, in the moment that they were occuring, i was not seeing and being through the lense of skepticism, but rather through other conduits that i have become aware of. they were sublime, and beautiful, and i will always cherish them, knowing that language is not going to do them full justice. on the other hand, i also know what probably occured, and i would never try to convince any other person of their mystical nature, because i do not believe this is fair to me, or them. it was all in my head, and yet the experiences still held the power to change me at core. and they did.
i think that the message you bring to this site, ross, and the way you do it, is really cool man. but it's because you have obviously seen the Light too.
evolution, peace, sentience, love,