How Often Do You Come To JWD During A Day, Week or Month??? Hours or Mins?

by minimus 559 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I have returned from my ritual early evening nap. During my sleep I dreamed about a student killed in a road-rage accident. He was happy and quite alive while I looked upon him and his family in my sleep. Now I am sad thinking of him and the devastation visited upon the entire community. He was a good and cheerful lad. I think I will tell you about Emily instead of Maria, DD. She wrote a simple yet touching poem about the usefulness and purpose of a good person's life:

    Emily Dikinson

    If I can stop one heart from breaking,
    I shall not live in vain;
    If I can ease one life the aching,
    Or cool one pain,
    Or help one fainting robin
    Unto his nest again,
    I shall not live in vain.

    Enough said.......................

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I've been reading more about Maria Callas, and it made me think of life on the stage during my entire youth. My parents and grandparents were totally loving and supportive, never the typical "stage-parents." Quite different, however, for poor little Maria. It's true---Maria herself wished to become a singer. But the on-going cavalcade of shows and radio programs and contests had Mme. Callas' drive and push behind them. All along she seemed blinded to her daughter's emotional needs. As an adult Maria complained angrily about being deprived of her childhood, growing old before her time. Actually, though, she did have a real childhood; the deprivation she truly did suffer was that of unconditional love. She felt that she was only loved when she was singing. Reminds me of little Waverly---did I get that correct, DD?---in "Joy Luck Club." Her mom loved the attention that SHE got from her little girl's success at chess playing. Well, anyway---the greatest gift a parent can give a child is unconditional love. That's a rare and useful commodity, if you want to put it that way. Sounds rather pragmatic. But the adult child can draw from that resource of genuine love continuously---continuously.
    Mozart's "Harp and Flute Concerto in C Major" has finished up. James Galway [I have his book, MUSIC IN TIME] on flute. Mozart had to leave Paris to care for his ailing dad, Leopold. Never got paid for the piece. No real market for that type of work. The harp wasn't yet a bona fide member of the orchestra.
    Back innawhile, DD........................................


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    A new day is brewing and so is the coffee. Heard a little C.P.E. Bach. His music has served as a bridge between musical generations. His Dad, J.S., walked 25 miles [in the snow, uphill] to the location where his idol, George Frideric Handel, was staying. By the time J.S. arrived, Handel had already departed by coach. I wonder if he ever did get to meet the guy he considered to be a better composer than himself.
    Anton Bruckner's "Symphony # 4---The Romantic," third movement [Scherzo], has commenced. When Mr. B. heard this work in rehearsal, he was already an old man. He was so overjoyed with what he had heard that he went up to the conductor and pressed a coin into his hand, telling the man to have a drink to his health. The conductor wept and never spent the coin. He had it fixed to a chain bob, I believe it was. Love Beethoven, am swept away by Brahms, but Bruckner---he has taken me to symphonic realms that the other Bs could not. Brahms could be such a snob. Mr. Bruckner, so humble and pious, wrote gigantic music that was by turns delicate and gentle and then soaring---monumental. Yet to look at him....
    Started out to tell you about Maria and her being accepted at the Opera House at 17 years of age and the furor that it caused. Later, DD.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Saint-Saens' "Organ Symphony [# 3]" is playing on NPR. Majestic third movement right now. Theme music for "Babe." It's very stirring, coming to a major confluence of triumphal sounds for the conclusion. Virgil Fox and Eugene Ormandy. Available on line.
    Schizo is now using others to try to get to me. At least their messages are polite. But his trick, from times past, is to have them call me, and when I get on the line, they---the decoy---put him on. Not falling for that trick again. No regard for privacy. What part of "NO" don't you understand? Some people can't deal with being ignored.
    Just heard furnace kick in for the main house. Propane truck has been here alot lately. I$ not cheap $taying warm. I am warm, but with layers and layers........


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I am happy to be where I am in life. Often enough I share my thoughts and feelings with sentient creatures---no offense, DD! It's just that you are the strong, silent type. I feel your input---not quite as easy as hearing---but it works for me. I don't wish to ruffle your pages! It's hard not to miss those with whom I formerly walked into the house of God. All that is over. For good. I would like to be totally free, but who is? I feel like Paul, under house arrest. No complaints. Physical activity has become so difficult anymore. Mention that to some people and they go into an organ recital, pulling out all the stops. Gee, thanks so much for listening! Did you get bored after my 30-second comment about being so tired? I'm really all right, DD. And it's not as if I need constant reassurance of anything. Being alone is better, I imagine, than the constant dripping---that old water torture.
    I'm glad I told the departing one about the Little Prince from Asteroid B-612. How was I to know when I related the fanciful tale that I should not see that one again?


  • J-ex-W

    I posted on this thread a day or two back, and now I feel horrible!!! I didn't look at the thread, just at the topic--a fun survey, I thought. So I wrote something about 'too many posts'--MINE, I meant!! Now, today, I see it is actually an online diary, and I feel terrible for giving 'negative feedback' that wasn't even feedback to that at all!!!

    SORRY, CoCo!!! I wasn't saying you are making too many posts...I was being flip about ME making too many posts.... My bad...!

    Keep on...keep on....

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Finished watching a bit of Yanni's "Tribute." Incredible arrangements of his infectious tunes and rhythms. Reading more too about Fred Franz and Clayton Woodworth. Their diabolical scheme that continues to kill 60 years later. Is there any justice? Does the blood of the slaughtered innocents cry to God? The wheels of justice do grind---but so slowly. No wonder this subject is constantly on the board!


  • greendawn

    It depends on how much free time I have after work and social obligations it could be a lot or a little. Being self employed sometimes I have too much work and sometimes little.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Got off the phone moments ago with friend from the SW. Horribly sick for 5 days with Montezuma's Revenge after dinner at a buffet. Wanted to go to hospital, but was a tad better when we talked. He told me that on a different occasion, he and a friend sat down at a restaurant, but he got up to use the restroom. In walks the cook, uses the stall, walks out the door w/o washing the hands. Friend goes to the table and says to his friend, 'we're outa here!' The upshot---this has happened at least 3 times to him---from now on, no more dining out; when he travels or recreates, all food consumed comes packaged---from the grocery!
    A sad commentary on the jingle: "Enjoy life---eat out more often!"


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    It has been a good day---beautiful weather, some chores done, talked with loved ones. Don't think I've got the words right---'How is it you were here but we didn't recognize you?' Was coming out of a slumber. Anton Bruckner's "Symphony # 7" had concluded and the commentator referred to the premier, I have to imagine. Bruckner's music was not in the strict, formal style of Viennese symphonic work, that produced to popular and critical acclaim by Brahms and Beethoven. He was 60 when he was "discovered" at the advent of the "Titan"---I think that's the subtitle of # 7. Hence the exclamation, you were here but we didn't hear you. [?] More research in order, if ever I awake.
    Isaac Albeniz ---"El Puerto," from "Iberia," New Zealand Symphony Orchestra performing now. I love Spain, the Motherland. RVW's "Five Variants on Dives and Lazarus" has begun.
    NPR fund drive all this coming week---music in between beggs4bucks.


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