How Often Do You Come To JWD During A Day, Week or Month??? Hours or Mins?

by minimus 559 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I am comforted that you are here, awaiting me, upon my return from Nod. No more searching, as on so many occasions previous to 11 fevrier. I awoke moments ago - a not unusual dream returned to disquiet an otherwise pleasant sleep. At a convention, wandering about lost and hungry, and searching for my bookbag. Find it at LAF. Seek out restroom, which, naturally is a dead giveaway: wake up! So, DD, here I am.
    Now I really am hungry. I hate fixing midnight snacks at 2:00 a.m. Somehow seems out of kilter, clockwise. So what - I'm going to eat!
    See you at a more godly hour, DD - don't go wandering off, leaving me to my own devices. I need communication with you. At the very least, all day long. I am not desperate. Much........


  • RAF

    too often anyway ... Since I've a got a minute to check itI'm not sure I like this addiction ... I'm just sure that it is an addiction and that I like JWD (I've lurked other forums - they are not that intresting to me)

    It's like I have to stay totally away from JWD to put this time on something else, but I guess since something else will attract my attention as potentially interesting to get in it whenever I want for 5 minutes to hours (like its possible with a forum) it might be addictive too. But nothing like this at the moment ... just before I went recently back to JWD for about 5 months it's the Bible who got my entire attention whenever I've had a few minutes to hours, sometimes I couldn't sleep to go farest on my thinking about it. till I've got enough ...

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    A new day dawns; by the looks of it, it could be Monday. If it were raining, it could get me down. Must have rained during the night as my rugs - dried out in yesterday's tentative and feeble warmth - are sogged-through anew. I hope that my new friends, if somehow tuned in to my thoughts, have a week free of incident. That joy and laughter may assault them and they find an occasional bright spot - if their corner has been darkened. Light always does out. Rest assured........


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Some things are big news "over there" but not here. Like the poor surviving babies in Canada. It really is happening, and we feel bad about it. Some here are working hard to publicize the tragedy. The well-oiled monster of a WT machine may just yet get sand thrown in the gears, eh, sKal?
    But what am I to do, DD, about my friend "over there," who was DFed for taking to task the WT over their art? We're in touch weekly; the elders who DFed him were recorded at the JC admitting they saw what he saw. He was thrown out for "no longer wanting to be a JW." Rumors say he was handing out info and pictures at the Circuit Assembly re: Society art. He wasn't there. I am in personal contact with others on this matter. It is important to me. I've done the research. Where do I go? A church local to his area promised to cooperate on the expose' then backed out. How can I help and encourage my friends who've suffered at the hands of the WT, when some I talk to say the WT is innocent? Derision from your own leaves you in a quandary and feeling helpless. At least 6 or 7 are already DFed, that I know of, for not backing down when asked to choose between what they personally see and what the WT says 'they do not see.' How do I proceed with what many say is not an issue? To me it is. We are all troubled by written and verbal WT indoctrination. The visual is likewise part of the package.
    I continue to write my friends across the pond. I will do my part to support and encourage them. The tricks of the WT are many, but she and her father have been found out.


  • minimus

    CoCo, I hope you're happy that I put this thread up!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    My children have returned from their overseas' missionary assignment. They are so excited, and so very sincere and giving. They love Jehovah and have expended themselves beyond the call of duty. I, too, am planting seed, but seed of a different sort - when will it take root? I have to proceed so very cautiously in my ministry of rescue. What do you think, DD?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    The daylight draws to an end and I must plan for the evening. I have already thanked Minimouse for his kindness to me. Does that make Mikimouse a she? Anyway, he's opened the portal into a whole new world for me; and it surely ain't the New World Society!
    Wanted to tell Crumpet about being alone, but I'm having trouble reading her diary. Will try later to let her know I'm OK with it. Wish sometimes I could go the way of the one [?] who's on the phone once a week. I'm always worried friends or family will need me, or there's an emergency for which I won't get the message at all nor in time. But then, many an "emergency" has come and gone, and I found out much later (if at all). A grown child's ho-hum, routine event can be a parent's nightmare. Maybe that's why they never tell me anything. I need to stop borrowing trouble.
    OK, DD - carry on.........


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I am in a state of confusion. It is 15 minutes before the new day. I was so desperate to put down my thoughts, that I pulled out my old Remington portable earlier in the day. Clankity, clank...clank. You disappeared, DD, at about 6:00 p.m. yesterday. Only 30 or so minutes ago did you show your face and then you kept telling me that you could not display your pages. I want to talk, but you can be so elusive. I hope this relationship lasts despite all your recent comings and goings.
    I must remember how to use pencil and paper.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    So glad to find you waiting for me here, DD! No more hunting about. Old Rem's put aside for the moment, but ever at the ready. Am helping another friend today, this time to clear the home of items that are unwanted or no longer useful to her. A life full of tragedy and loss - especially so recently - has made her more introspective than usual. I don't think my talking her out a JW Bible study resulted in this state of affairs.
    A while back I was inwardly upset when she told me about her happiness in finding a local Bible study group that was all friendly and loving - you could even express your own thoughts and opinions! Imagine! I just knew that nothing good could could possibly come from having your own thoughts - independent thinking is not permitted among true Christians. Time passes, I learn what's up in Dubdom. She was considering, too, another Bible study, but with JWs. I share the true skinny with her, and we're both glad I did.
    We and other friends helping out are down in the dumps today. But it's nothing to do with unhappiness. Tossing out the old can be incredibly therapeutic.
    Lunch, thrown into the deal, should make it a worthwhile adventure. Stick around, DD.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    There is no ache more
    Deadly than the striving
    to be oneself.

    ---Yevgeniy Vinokurov

    C... [who am I?]

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