"The little one himself will become a thousand, and the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, shall speed it up in its own time."
Isaiah 60:22
I stand corrected on the issue of growing slower than world population. That was true for 2005, but not for the current year, since 1.9 is higher than 2006 estimates I checked. It will prolly be around 1.4. But if you can interpret those numbers, you can also figure what is going on in WT Land - a blatant contradiction between the GB teachings and the facts.
The WT applies Isaiah 60:22 to itself. They say we're living in the days when this prophecy is being fulfilled, when the JW organization is supposed to experience an amazing growth. They say that Jehovah will speed it up. There's no other way to interpret that: it means that there should be an acceleration of the organization growth. That's what to accelerate means. As Dictionary.com says in its entry for "accelerate":
[Origin: 1515–25; < L acceleratusspeeded up (ptp. of accelerare), equiv. to ac- ac- + celer swift + -atus -ate 1 ]
If we are living "deeeep into the time of the end" and "in the last days of the last days", as Witnesses say, there's no other option but the "speeding up" one. Now take a good look at the graph I posted on page 1. What do we see there? The growth rates are steadily going down! The curve shows that the organization growth is decelerating! It is still growing, but at an increasingly slower pace. IOW, we are literally experiencing the very opposite of what they have foretold.
Acceleration vs. Deceleration. Is there a clear-cut contradiction or not?