"The fact that they baptized nearly a quarter of a million last year was surely evidence that Jehovah is 'speeding things up in his due time'"
Speeding it up -where? Are the countries that have -1% or 0% increase are their CO's saying "Jehovah is speeding it up"? How can something be "speeding up" when its 50% less than it was a few years ago?
When I became a JW in 1971 there was approx 1.5 million, now it may be 6.5 million thats 5 million increase in 35 years or 142,857 increase each year average.
If you saw the graph that NEO posted on page 1, and didn't know what it was for, you would say "that whatever it was, it was doing badly" if it was a sales graph the company would be on the way out. If the WT as a "company" and it said to shareholders they had only had a 1.9% growth, what would the reaction of the shareholders be?
As we know facts and figures can be used to prove anything. Changes in the way things are done or counted can make a big difference. If those allowed the "15 minute" rule were considered "inactive" and no longer counted in congregation, what difference would it make?
If I was talking to fellow JW's and said "We had 25 baptised in our congregation last year." They would all be saying "Thats great, Jehovah speeding it up etc". But I didn't tell them that 30 had left the congregation either DF'd or DA'd or inactive. So the congregation was actually 5 down on the previous year. What would they say then?
The best way, I think, of seeing what really is going on is to find out from those at the sharp end, that is in the congregations.
Congregations that at one time were considered strong, are now only half or quarter their size of 5 years ago. Elders resigning, over the UN or paedophile scandals. JW's just going through the motions, though they know the falseness of the WT, but because of other family members they stay in, and the fear of what being DF'd would bring in the way of shunning. I'm sure many of us know how things are going in our old congregations.
15 years ago my congregation built a new KH, capable of seating nearly 300, ready for the "increase" because we had grown and divided into two congregations during the previous 20 years. Now 15 years on, one congregation is only a quarter of its size and the other about two thirds. Yet 15 years ago you would never had said such a thing would have happened with them, so strong, so "spiritual".