I remember several years back, a really sweet sister in my congregation, her sister had terminal cancer. While there were well meaning people who came to help, two women in particular starting putting the moves on her husband BEFORE this woman had even passed. My friend couldn't understand why anyone would want her brother-in-law, he was no "catch" as she said. While these two women didn't get their hooks in him, later that year he met a woman and married her...she wasn't even a JW! He told me he had been married to a JW; he was going to see how the other half lived.
How soon, is too soon, to remarry after your spouse dies.
by free2beme 43 Replies latest jw friends
I don't think that I'd show up at the wedding to stop it
I recall an older Elder in one of my old congregations who married about three months after his wife died. She had been crippled for some years, and he cared for her every need. He married a much younger lassie who had recently lost her husband to cancer.
While most folks thought it a little soon, they didn't begrudge them the comfort they obviously needed. I understand they are still married some 15 or so years later.
Married men live longer than single.
No they don't. It just feels longer!