My experience with other religions, Pubsinger is non existent!
However, just the literature distribution on a regular bi monthly basis which barely costs the Watchtower anything compared to the 'suggested donations', sets the Watchtower up to be able to expect regular contributions from its members ON TOP of regular contributions that it expects from each and every congregation.
Does no JW ever question WHY it is necessary to continually publish more and more and more....... literature, all more or less saying the same thing, over and over again. And then....they have the cheek to want to be paid for it.
Where in the Bible does it say that God would own a book/pamphlet publishing company and that he would expect contributions for continually repeating himself?
Any other magazine would very quickly go out of business. But there it is! The Watchtower has a captive audiance of slaves....who pay out to be slaves!
How bizarre!!