LITERATURE DENIED for NONPAYMENT. Has this occured on congo level?

by uwishufish 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    My experience with other religions, Pubsinger is non existent!

    However, just the literature distribution on a regular bi monthly basis which barely costs the Watchtower anything compared to the 'suggested donations', sets the Watchtower up to be able to expect regular contributions from its members ON TOP of regular contributions that it expects from each and every congregation.

    Does no JW ever question WHY it is necessary to continually publish more and more and more....... literature, all more or less saying the same thing, over and over again. And then....they have the cheek to want to be paid for it.

    Where in the Bible does it say that God would own a book/pamphlet publishing company and that he would expect contributions for continually repeating himself?

    Any other magazine would very quickly go out of business. But there it is! The Watchtower has a captive audiance of slaves....who pay out to be slaves!

    How bizarre!!

  • jayhawk1

    I had wondered if this might have happened at my old Kingdom Hall. When the video about the Society's factories was new, the elders made an announcement that this video and all others that may come after it would have a suggested donation of $20 to cover the cost.

    Never mind that in the early 1990s, you could buy just about any VCR tape movie for $15. So what I would do is borrow somebody else's and make a copy, so it would save the Watchtower money. Apparently I wasn't the only one who did that, because not long afterward there was another announcement to stop copying Jehovah's Copyrighted videos.

  • PoppyR

    Isn't it funny that you are not allowed to copy the WT library CD rom for example, in case it should "fall into the wrong hands"!!!!! (oh dear maybe not tell them where we can download it then)

    So rather than us make copies for each other, saving all their hard work and REALLY expensive CDs they want rank and file to shell out 100 times what they are worth to support the worldwide Shirk...

    I remember when I found out about the 'simplification' and I genuinely thought how lovely and christian!! Until I found out here after it was all a tax fiddle..

    So glad I'm out.


  • truthsetsonefree
    This is usually only known by the MS and elders who deal with the WTS regarding ordering publications and sending in the "worldwide work" monies to the WTS. If the WTS sees that many big ticket items (videos, tapes, CDs, Insight books, etc.) are being ordered but the monies being sent don't even come close to the past assigned value of these items, then the WTS will send a letter to the elders.

    This is definitely true. All congos have an account with WT for WEFTS transfer. They do bill though I can't say that its broken down to the level of how many pieces of this or that book was ordered.


  • truthsetsonefree

    This is a link for a file documenting the literature arrangement in place for one major US City. It is still in effect though it was called a pilot program. While it doesn't prove billing, it does show how important inventory control is for the WT literature arrangement. (I apologized for some of the pages being out of order.)


  • jayhawk1

    I can't seem to make the download work.

  • truthsetsonefree

    This is my first time using It isn't working right now for me either. I uploaded using IE7. Anyone know if that matters?


  • truthsetsonefree
  • jayhawk1

    That one works!

  • OnTheWayOut
    brothers/sisters weren't as "honest" as they thought

    I say there is nothing wrong with the rank and file taking advantage of this "free of charge" arrangement. They are literature distributors. They work for the publishing company and receive no pay. If there isn't enough profit in this arrangement, they could always charge a set amount and pay the (Ceasar's things to Ceasar) tax. These people gave up college and overtime for the WTS, they need a break.

    I suggest that, while the borg is busy with mind-controlling people's belief systems, they are unable to break that thought from the average member's mind- "I work for them, I deserve a new CD or Gold-leaf Bible."

    While I speculate on the demise of the WTS, I truly believe they will morph into a regular publishing company and switch to paying the taxes. They will have to find a way to sell their product, though, after the mass exodus. (I am dreaming again.)

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