I was just researching some things and saw an article scan from 4-15-88 Watchtower. It talks of an unrepentant "wrongdoes", like a son who was a drunkard and glutton, and if he was unrepentant when brought before the judges, his parents would have a part in executing him. My mom had said to me last time she was here..."It's a good thing we are not in Bible times, you would be stoned!"(with hatred and sarcasm in her voice) It is sending chills down my spine to think she would actually feel righteous stoneing me.......Ekkkkkkk, that is scary and upsetting!
If we were in Bible times, I would be stoned...(by my family)
by megsmomma 38 Replies latest jw friends
I think over and over again how thankful I am that the world is not dominated by JWs. We would all be in lots of trouble.
You know...I think they would stone us if they could get away with it too.
I'm curious, what did you reply to her after she spewed that bit of venom at you?
I sometimes used to think that some jws, especially elders, would like that sort of law to apply now. It would have helped them to rid themselves of those they see as troublemakers permanently. I hope it wasn't wishful thinking by your mum megsmomma, as Renee said, imagine a world dominated by people with those thoughts. No thanks.
So has your mother done anything she could have been stoned for?
My mom had said to me last time she was here..."It's a good thing we are not in Bible times, you would be stoned!"(with hatred and sarcasm in her voice)
She actually said this to you in your own home???
Please tell me you took a strip off her! Never allow anyone to disrespect you in your own home.
The conversation came up because she was telling me to "go back to Jehovah" to save my family....and I was telling her I would never go back (though I didn't know all that I know now, and couldn't give her any info on what I now know)...Then I was telling her that by shunning me, it hasn't done anything to make me WANT to go back....which is when she brought up the stoning. Then I asked if I don't go back, will she again shun me and my new baby...Which she replied she would, so I told her to have my dad come get her and havn't had much conversations with her since.
I did talk to her when I found out the "truth about the truth"...but it made her mad and she hung up on me...and I have called her to leave messages on the babies progress a couple times.
She was saying I would be stoned when I first left because I was a fornicator....something she had done several times before her 2nd marriage. (But that was BEFORE she knew Jehovah) (so ,i guess she is safe, as my grandparents luthern religion doesn't teach that)
Finally.....Yes, in my own home! All the while, I was trying to be loving and understanding to her. I even painted her toe-nails and just was oh so happy to "have my mom back". (she hadn't talked to me for 6 years) Then I saw her motives and her ugly nature. Before I did the research and found this site, I had a hard time believing in myself, or sticking up for myself. I didn't have any of my own beliefs, so I allowed myself to be walked on. She isn't welcome to see me or my family untill she agrees to RESPECT our beliefs and ME....which I can't ever see happening, so I have pretty much written her out of our lives....but, I still reach out every so often.
My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
thats sad momma of meg....the WTS using the anology of stoning.....my MIL tried to use that reasoning on me recently when trying to justify her position of arbitrarily shunning her daughter after 27 years. I told her that analogy is ridiculous.
Soooooooooooo much if not all of what the WTS writes down in their magazines is for the JW's themselves, with the sole intent of controlling their thinking. This is a perfectly illustrated case. Its ludicrous. Just like shunning. Anyone not brought up a JW would look at them and say "What are you nuts?"....Or the tract that noone cares about.
It doesn't help the hurt you feel, but if your mom and my MIL used the same reasoning, it just means that the WTS has them brainwashed and that there is a very deliberate method to their madness.
I'll tell you what though, it is there using analogy of stoning and cruel use of shunning that thoroughly convinces me that if they could, the WTS would rule no differently than the Taliban. New Order = WTS police state. No thanks.