Garybuss said: The only other group who might have been identified as people who would never die, is the baby born in 1935 to Witness parents and was protected under family merit until puberty and at puberty the 1935 baby gets baptized and is still an active Jehovah's Witness. That baby is 71 years old in 2006. The great crowd of babies is really stretching this doctrine and their Biblical lifetime is running out. The people identified in 1935 couldn't have been "great crowd" because they died and are still dying. Time's almost run out on that prophecy.
Mary commented;
But----they've never put an age limit on "the great crowd" the way they have the 'annointed'.
While you are technically correct, Mary, Garybuss makes a point. They asked us to hitch our wagons to the belief that "millions now living will never die," changing later to "MAY never die." Sure, the younger among us feel part of the Great Crowd, but so do the older ones. They were sold that load, and they want it. How many of us would have joined if we were told, "Sometime, perhaps 100 years or more from now, faithful JW's will enter into Paradise without ever facing death." ? NO, they sold us on "right around the corner, YOU will enter Paradise without ever facing death."
Time is running out for the oldest JW's. Eventually, the younger ones will face the same demise. Better brace them a little at a time for the inevitable Great Delay of Tribulation. But tell them to keep announcing it, RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER.