by Mary 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • observador


    you make a very good point. The problem is that there is "evidently" all over the place in that proof. So, the diehard JW will quickly point to that and say "... our faithful brothers were as sure then as they are now. Praise be unto the Lord.". :)

  • 2112

    It is all about the marketing.

    Does anyone remember Datson? In the late 70's the Datson ads would mention Datson several times. Then slowly over a period of about 3 years they would replace Datson with Nissan and by the end of the 3 years they would only say Nissan. And Datson was no more. So be it with WT doctrine from an unchanging God.

  • OnTheWayOut

    When I was first recruited to JW's, I was taught that everything started happening in 1914. The invisible presence started after God threw Satan down to the earth with the demons, that caused WW II. The resurrection started then. Later, I learned from personal indoctrination sessions (meetings and research) that 1914 started the chain of events, but some took place within those first 3.5 years. I bought all of it, hook-lin-and-sinker. By the time the Proclaimers Book came out, I started to wonder about changing doctrine, but they said Russell was pointing to 1914- only they mentioned expectations higher than realized. It's all been downhill from there. I kept seeing the changes and others didn't mind. I allowed them, with little protest, but noticed them. Now, I can see the subtle changes in articles that only hint at things (with many thanks to JWD on that) changing.

    I only wonder how JW's don't eventually wake up. This seems like a ten-to-twenty year religion. That's how long it SHOULD take for most people to get in and get out. I am surprised at genuine believers staying busy in Jehovah's Watchtower's service for decades.

  • Mary
    Shame on you, Mary, for frustrating the brother in charge and possibly stumbling a whole room full of the faithful.

    I had a path beaten from my seat to the Second School for all the times I got hauled in the back room for "a little chat". Not for fornication, smoking, drinking, or drugs like the average young Dub, but because I would ask them uncomfortable questions that they had no answer for and I always got the same damn answer: "Wait on Jehovah. He'll reveal it in His own time."......I'm amazed I never got the axe.

  • bennyk

    I'm calling "out-of-bounds" on their attempts to moderate their previous dogma. I remember something regarding the former teaching that the resurrection had unequivocally begun in 1918. In the Paradise Lost book, page 192, paragraph 30 it stated in no uncertain terms:

    "One of the many enlightening truths that God now gave his witnesses was about the members of God's spiritual nation who had died physically. This was in 1927. In that year the witnesses understood that the dead spiritual Israelites had been raised in 1918 to life in heaven with Christ Jesus. It was an invisible resurrection, of course."

    Since the Society stated that it was God himself who gave them the teaching, they are in no position to repudiate that teaching.

    Also, if memory serves, in the mid-1970's the Organisation disfellowshiped dozens of Witnesses for failure to believe that the resurrection had begun in 1918. (possibly documented in Apocalypse Delayed.)

  • Amazing


    As always, you do a good job with Watchtower quotes and seeing through their BS. Strangely enough, a JW left this magazine at my door, so I will have to read it when I have some spare time.

    Par 11: "....It seems that resurrected ones of the 24 elders group may be involved inthe communicating of divine truths today. Why is that important? Because the correct identity of the great crowd was revealed to God's anointed servants on earth in 1935. If one of the 24 elders was used to convey that important truth, he would have had to be resurrected to heaven by 1935 at the latest. That would indicate that the first resurrection began somewhere inbetween 1914 and 1935. (Ooooooh, isn't this just mind-boggling how they come up with this shit!!??)

    Talk about circular reasoning! The 24-Elders are communicating truths today because the identity of the Great Crowd was revealed in 1935, and because one of the 24-Elders was used to conmvey this truth by 1935, they must have been in heaven revealing truths. I am not even sure that is circular ... it is mostly nonsense. But, that is the way of the Witchtower Babble and Twisted-reasoning Society.

    Jim Whitney

  • potleg

    I'd like to see some specific answers from the WY (Fat chance)...

    How do those said to be in heaven communicate with those on earth?

    Who exactly receives the "message"?

    What form does the communication take? (Voice, dream, moving curtains, etc)

    How do they know this is the real thing? After all look at all the communication and flashes of "light" Rutherford received, and where are they today? Mostly in the toilet.

  • ithinkisee

    What they like to do is write these vague articles like this and then refer BACK to this article sometime in the future when they make the official change.

    That is what they did in 1995 with the generation change.

    That way it sounds like they have had some sort of "inkling" that a change was on the horizon, and it makes it seem less of a severe change.


  • Leolaia

    I grew up as a JW and didn't realize until I was 16 or 17 that the Society taught that the resurrection happened in 1918. That realization came as a shock to me. I always thought that it had occurred in the first century (such that Paul resurrected to heaven upon his death). When I learned of the actual teaching, I wanted to know "where" 1918 was in the Bible, where it said that the resurrection occurred several years after 1914. That seemed incredibly arbitrary to me.

  • clarity

    Interesting discussion.

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