I have a lot of trouble with most of the "bible" teachings I learned. I can't say this is the way I'll always feel, but for now I'm sick and tired of how much emphasis is placed on the ideas brought out by this book. I dedicated my life to the things I was taught from it and so have a bunch of other people and if you brought us all together to compare notes we'd probably all have a different explanation of what we believe.
If there's a message in the bible, I think it's simply that god has no need to put his thoughts down on paper. His works are much easier to see and read in person. I can tell by looking at nature that god has a sense of humor, that he has a well-honed sense of beauty, that he's very efficient, and other things. Whereas nature describes a god I feel drawn to, the bible leaves me feeling depressed. Too many heinous acts have been justified by what's written inside it. Even many of the stories it contains describe blood-thirsty servants of its god showcasing their bloodthirstiness.