One of the worst things I've ever heard *WARNING: DISTURBING*

by under_believer 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer

    I realize that human stupidity and evil has always existed, and that it's today's technology (enabling the news media) that brings it out into the open. But damn if that isn't the worst thing I've ever heard.

  • Scully
    "there is not a lot of scientific research and data on the effect of microwaves on human beings."

    That's kind of a good thing, dontcha think?

    Yes, I saw this case on the news tonight way up here in Canada. Just when you think you've heard all the possible f***ed up $h!t going on in different places, along comes something else that tops it all.

    Who in their right mind would put a baby in a microwave oven???

  • 5thGeneration

    I read the topic of your post and I knew that was what you were going to post about.

  • crankytoe

    The very though of this makes me want to hurt somebody

  • hambeak

    Yeah I saw the news cast on this I think they should put her in a Microwave. What the hell is the matter with these mothers killing their kids?

    One in Plano cutting off her baby's arms and others drowning them. This is insane.

  • lovelylil

    My sister called me about this earlier today. It made me very sick to my stomache. I love my kids so much. I have a saying that if you hurt even one hair on my kids head, you better run and you better hide because I WILL be going to jail over it!

    I turn into a raging bear anytime anyone threatens my kids. I can't imagine the pain that poor baby went through. That lady is very sick if she did this. Or whoever did it is very sick. Soooo Sad. Lilly

  • SixofNine

    Yeah, I kinda knew what this was going to be about before I opened it. I saw this story two days ago. I found myself unconsciously biting the inside of my cheeks, hard, as I read it, and tears welling up.

  • delilah

    What a truly evil thing to do... "Do unto others" comes to mind.

  • rassillon


    I hate people that do this kind of crap!

  • jaguarbass

    The Jw's would say this is a sign we are in the last days. It goes on and on and on.

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