One of the worst things I've ever heard *WARNING: DISTURBING*

by under_believer 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • dobbie

    Thats so disgusting, things like this make me sick to the stomach and i can't ever sleep for thinking about them since having my little ones. We seem to have had a spate over here lately of little kids being killed by their parents, stabbed to death, beaten i can't understand it. I just wish the same woud be one back to these people, but very slowly. Not nice i know but its the only thing that i can't handle, innocent little ones suffering and betrayed. Going to go and give my two boys a big kiss and hug now.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    This is terrible. I feel sick reading it.

  • Sam87
    In 2000, a Virginia woman was sentenced to five years in prison for killing her month-old son in a microwave oven.

    only 5 years?!?! what is this world coming too?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Yes, I read this in the local paper. We are not that far from the area in which this happened.

    I agree - the bottom of the moral barrell has been seen here.


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