Why Do You Like JWD???
by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends
Cabin in the woods
Because this is the first place that I went to for decades and was accepted even when I expressed sadness, anger and bitterness. I laughed and no one judged. cabs
Stillawitness, I know minimus had some things to say about you recently,
so just copy and paste this thingy here to edit your post. This is
what you tried to post. Remember, the force is with me. -
Thanks to everyone for all their input!!!
Great place for truth ABONDONED that must be some sort of record ....all those posts in a short time...whew!
Where else would I go?
Seriously, I can't talk to my witness friends for fear of being disfellowshiped, I can't confide in worldy people because they would not understand and other sites are either too religious or militant.
And: "misery loves company".
BlackSwan of Memphis
I have talked with many different people since leaving. Leaving the jw's is a truly incredibly experience. It isn't just a matter of waking up one morning and thinking,
Hm, think I'll leave behind every single family member and friend and be (insert religion or non religion of your choice here).
It is a really difficult thing to do. And a person needs support to do this. When I lurked here I was amazed at the number of people who went through the same thing I was going through. That helped.
Since then, I've met some wonderful people. Star Moore, Outnfree, Blondie and hubby, Brooke, Emma wow, and more truly amazing persons from the board. I've learned a lot from them and from all of you. Some months back I had posted a thread about teachers in life. I really think that being here I have met some of the greatest teachers in life that I'll ever meet. I have more to learn. I might take longer breaks from the board here and there to live life, but I don't know that I would ever leave permanently.
Thanks for this board Simon and Angharad and thanks mods
I wonder if Brooklyn really does regularly look here.
compound complex
Dear Minimus and Friends,
"I gotta be me", "I did it my way", "to thine own self be true", "do your own thing". To contemplate and act upon such godless thoughts would surely send a JW guy/gal onto the road to ruin. Another lie. I'm all for loving my neighbor in word and deed. Very important. But honestly, I never realized till coming here that being a free spirit was all right. I'm a flamboyant Mediterranean who loves food and music and art and dance and beauty and teaching and all my kids - spiritual and fleshly - and God and Christ were always in my life, as my sister and I walked alone to Sunday School every week. And while I really should simplify the previous run-on sentence, I don't have to, because you don't care! If you do, I will shuffle the words about to show that I am compliant.
I love being here with my new friends. Intellectual stimulation, creative thought, love and concern flowing from hurried messages typed out to despairing souls, rolling-in-the-aisle guffaws, cyber-slaps on the back....
CoCo de la Me'diterranee'
I enjoy the folks here too!