We don't have anyone in our families who are or were JWs, so we went out all on our own to join the borg 14 years ago. On 9-10-06, we DA'd. This site has been an absolute lifeline for us, especially during the emotional turmoil we went through when we DA'd. It was and still is a tremendous source of information and encouragement. No one else in the world can really understand what ex-dubs are going thru except other ex-dubs. This site it THE best one. It's well moderated, and I've always felt safe expressing my opinions here without fear of being attacked.
Why Do You Like JWD???
by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends
I like the smart, silly, funny, caring, wise, and damn sexy people here
Oh well! that definatly excludes me
Nah uh, I'm quite sure everyone here is damn sexy in their own way.
Because after months of worry and feeling constantly sick with doubts, i found this site and if it was'nt for this i'd probably still be a jw. Originally i looked at another site but it was was full of people having a go at each other, and it put me off for a few day so i tried again and found this one! Everyone here is so supportive and are all going through or have gone through the same thing, one way or another being affected by this religion. I think i joined found it in july and soon after began posting, now a few months later i am out of the org, my husband is fading but getting stronger , braver , day by day and v supportive, and i put my xmas tree up today! So a big thanks to everyone here at JWD for all the help and support and helping making leaving the jws much easier than it would otherwise have been you are all great! Debbie