Why Do You Like JWD???
by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends
Lady Liberty
Dear Minimus,
It is comforting to know that were not the only ones with questions. Coming here shows that others too have the exact same questions. Seeing how the elders treat others with questions, gave me a heads up as to how we would be treated. Sure enough, just like everyone else, we were labeled. We were completely sincere, yet it did not matter. We still became apostate in there eyes. Knowing ahead of time what would most likely happen, gave us strength. Then through all the crap, we found support and love here!
That is why I like JWD. Plus, I feel like I am still witnessing in a way to others. But witnessing about Jesus. Trying to help others makes me feel good.
Lady Liberty
I like this board because it's full of like minded people, but each and every one has so much to give. I learned a whole bunch of stuff about the jws that I would've never known without jwd.
I woke up this morning looking forward to coming on JWD!
It dawned on me that this is the first time I have ever been asked MY OPINION on anything!!!!
I really hadnt heard my own opinion on anything before this forum.
My first expressions a year ago are somewhat of an embarrassment to me now.
But like others have said, it doesnt matter because this is a nurturing place, a place to grow and change and mature.
You can be yourself on JWD! Everyone is WELCOME like the sign on the door says!
Anewme -
When I was a child my parents did not ask me any questions. In the 50s parents were not into that.
They were into handing you a Barbie and expecting you to go off and play with her. I remember sitting there with my Barbie and doing nothing with her.
Or they plopped you in front of the boob tube (tv) and allowed it to baby sit you for hours a day (for years) (Honest to God, to this day my brother and I remember only watching tv as our childhood memories!)
When the JWs came over and asked me what my opinion was of the hereafter I think they gave me about two seconds to answer and then they promptly corrected my opinion with their more authoritative Bible answers.
Married a JW who became an elder, so you can imagine how many times I was asked my opinion.
When I was 48 I went to a therapist who asked me my opinion for the first time.
It was a scary thing to find over all the years I had lost my own opinion on anything!
She said I was terribly enmeshed in Watchtower Speak and my thinking was interconnected with the borg and it was unhealthy. She advised me to leave both the Tower and my husband and to be brave about it. That it wasnt the end of the world, and might be the beginning of a new one for me.
Here I am. A spirit set free!
JWD is the best thing for ex JWs to regain their lives back again and start living again! -
I like the smart, silly, funny, caring, wise, and damn sexy people here
Oh well! that definatly excludes me
Freedom..I can sell Penguin Ranch starter kits..Pet lions,talk to blueberrys..Walk through fields of two-lips..Promote WBT$ owned taxidermy franchise "Stuff a Dub"..Raise money for multiple amputee dogs,so I can get them skateboards with seatbelts..Eat Roast Dub sandwichs and get drunk with the penguins..Best of all JWD makes me look thinner and go`s well with any outfit I`m wearing that day...OUTLAW
One month and seven days ago, I still believed that soon armageddon would come and destroy me because I was worthless.
4 years after my df''ing, I was still feeling this way...and be bloodguilty for taking my 6 kids with me.
As you who grew up in the JW's all know, when you first leave the org...the pendulum tends to swing way far over, indulging in all the things you weren't allowed to do all your life, to settle where, I believe, is who you were meant to be, morally/ethically speaking.
I reached a point in my life where I was no longer doing anything "wrong" - as in smoking, dope, or un-wts-approved sex. I was considering a return, when I decided to do that forbidden internet search before going back. I landed here. What an oasis!
People who knew what I was going through! People who understood. I found a place where, to the best of their ability posters/moderators try to keep the posts honest, even when it sides with the WTS. Posters who challenge certain posts fairly when the posts verge on the untrue or are blatantly wrong. I appreciate the honesty. I appreciate the fact that the board is moderated, and that individual points of view are respected, but attacks on someone are not.
It has become my place to deprogram. To learn the truth about the "truth" and ultimately heal. I find myself visiting this site when those above feelings re-emerge...and they still do from time-to-time.
Thank you all for making JWD what it is!
Thank you Simon & Angharad.
OntheWayOut Said:"Stillawitness, I know minimus had some things to say about you recently, so just copy and paste this thingy here to edit your post. This is what you tried to post. Remember, the force is with me.: LOL! Well I can't. My bf changed the computer program to Mozilla Firefox now so its more than just doing copy and paste but I can't seem to get it to work.
Ive registered with a few exJW sites and JWD is the best
Many have criticized the moderation on this board but after the childish and very hostile posts ive seen on other boards, this one maintains a stable and consistent, safe place to be.
This is the first place anyone with doubts needs to find..........its informative ,friendly without the cliquey few, who think THEY are more important than the the board