km 2/07: Memorial Tract campaign

by GermanXJW 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • reneeisorym

    This success cracks me up. SUCCESS??? There is none people!!!!

    I visited a church today and there were 4 people who joined the church and 6 that asked to be baptised. Now has that EVER happened in a kingdom hall? I bet not!! ... crazy folks!

  • TheListener

    I'm impressed - it's only mid-December and you've already seen the Feb 07 KM. I like it.

    The WTS is no different than many popular tv shows.

    As ratings decline they all try predictable stunts to maintain their status.

    Hopefully we'll be looking back one day and all decide when the WTS jumped the shark.

    These tract campaigns will rally the troops, but if they begin to seem to be a regular part of the ministry the troops interest will die down.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If I want to see the tract I will have to find my wife's hiding place for them.

    They will probably be kept under the same 'bushel' she hid the last tract under. :-)

  • sir82

    If you have a "special" campaign every 3-4 months or so, is it really all that "special"?

    This tactic might work for another year or 2, but soon it will be approached with the same eye-rolling boredom as "special" assembly days, "special" talks, etc.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I haven't seen the KM yet, but this is really pretty lame. Normally, the congregations get consigned a number of memorial invitations that they're supposed to give to family, friends and those they meet in the field. Usually, you offered the invitation to all your RVs and anyone you "placed" mags with.

    This isn't a very smart move. The number of mags "placed" surely went down during the last campaign. The same will happen with this one. I'm baffled as to what they think they'll accomplish. After all, the guilt trip is laid on thick during the Memorial season as it is.

    And, as was mentioned, if you conduct a special campaign every couple of months, it is no longer special. I wonder how long before they proclaim the preaching work is over?

  • Nosferatu

    I wonder if they're pretending to fulfill a bible prophecy that they're eventually going to write in one of the Revelation Book corrections, kinda like the 7 conventions in the 1920s.

  • GermanXJW

    BTW, another thing in this km is the reachout to inactives. Sorry, for only having some buzzwords, I could take a look at for a minute then my father took it away because he knows I spread everything online. :-) Maybe, soon someone is able to scan it?

  • blondie

    Every year there is a reach out to the inactives before the memorial. Have to get those attendance numbers up. Some inactive JWs only go to the memorial. I have heard elders and COs refer to them as "submarine" JWs.

    *** km 2/05 p. 1 par. 6 Give Thanks for Jehovah’s Loving-Kindness ***

    We will especially want to take the initiative to greet warmly any inactive brothers and sisters who have made the effort to attend. Our loving interest may help them to resume regular association with the congregation.

    *** km 2/04 p. 4 par. 13 Keep Telling About Jehovah’s Wonderful Works ***

    Inviting Others to Attend: Begin preparing right away by making a list of those to invite. Your list should include unbelieving family members, neighbors, acquaintances from work or school, past and present Bible students, and all your return visits. Book study overseers should include on their list any inactive publishers.

    *** km 3/02 p. 1 par. 5 Joyfully United With Jehovah and His Son ***

    The body of elders should make a special effort to encourage all inactive Witnesses in the territory to attend the Memorial of Christ’s death. (Matt. 18:12, 13) Make a list of those to be called on so that none are overlooked and all are personally invited.

  • GermanXJW

    Yes, blondie, that's right. But this time there is a whole article on reaching out to inactive ones, what to do when finding them in the territory. There is an experience of someone "reactivating" someone by regularly bringing the magazines. Of course, you have to inform the elders, as well...

  • OnTheWayOut

    Don't call me a false prophet, because I do not speak in the name
    of God, just common sense. I predicted (predictions can be wrong
    and I would admit it, but I am not wrong.) that the WTS would be
    using many more tract campaigns.

    I said of KN#37- I don't really see it as special, nor getting big results.
    I still say it's to keep JW's busy and think they are doing something,
    but keep costs down. Further, I said they would claim success for
    KN#37 and do it more often, in order to also get inactive publishers
    out there reactivated.

    I hate to brag, but now that I know the truth, I understand the
    publishing company and it's need for profits (not prophets).

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