km 2/07: Memorial Tract campaign

by GermanXJW 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie
    But this time there is a whole article on reaching out to inactive ones, what to do when finding them in the territory.

    They did this in the past during a period where there had been a big drop in publishers. Also, the elders and the rank and file disregard the "encouragement" from the WTS to call on the inactive. Partly because they can't count their time.

    The fact that this article is longer and more detailed is proof of how many are inactive.

    After the years of the Great Apostasy (48 references to inactivity in 1982 KM alone):

    *** km 2/82 p. 7 Can They Be Helped? ***


    We were happy to learn from last month’s OurKingdomMinistry that there will be an increased effort during the coming months to help those who have stopped sharing the truth with others. Many of these no longer attend meetings. How grateful we are to Jehovah that he takes such a loving interest in each of us and directs the elders to take the lead in giving the needed help. Even if one has been inactive for many years but has some love for Jehovah, the way is open for him to return to active association with the congregation. Jehovah is patient and does not want any to be destroyed.—2 Pet. 3:9.


    As already explained, the secretary and service overseer will be taking the initiative in seeing that inactive ones in the territory are visited. You may be one of the publishers whom the service overseer will ask to help inactive ones.




    Experience has shown that some will respond to loving efforts to help them come back, even though they have been away for many years and drifted back to some of their former worldly habits. A positive attitude and patience on the part of the publisher calling, along with Jehovah’s help, will bring success if the inactive one still has a love for the truth. If he is dealt with unkindly, there is less likelihood that he will respond.


    For example, a sister who had been away many years felt that Jehovah and the congregation no longer cared for her. A sister called on this ‘lost sheep’ and read selected paragraphs to her from TheWatchtower. Learning that Jehovah did still care, the inactive sister began to weep. She had stopped associating due to many family problems and discouragement, wrongly assuming she had been disfellowshipped because of her long absence. This ‘lost sheep’ came to appreciate Jehovah’s mercy and that he was still interested in her. She soon found her way back to active service with the congregation.


    In another case, where previous efforts had been unfruitful, an elder decided to try one more time to assist an inactive brother to return. He traveled many hours on foot through thornbushes and thick underbrush to reach the brother’s farm. He arrived bruised, scratched and dusty. The elder informed the inactive brother that he had traveled all that way to see how he was doing, and that the congregation was concerned about him. This so moved the brother that he was soon reactivated. A former opposer who was working alongside the inactive brother and listening in on the conversation could not believe what he had heard. He was so impressed by this elder’s efforts to help the one who had strayed that he and his wife began to study and eventually became active publishers.


    One young married couple had been away from the truth for twelve years. It might have seemed that there was little hope of their returning. An elder decided to make one last try. They had lost their spirituality and were cold toward the brother at first. He maintained a friendly, cheerful disposition and asked them how they came into the truth. This was the turning point. Their attitude warmed and they made rapid progress toward becoming reactivated. He had a positive attitude and did not conclude that there was no hope because of their long absence.




    These few experiences illustrate that persons who have stopped associating can be helped, often to return. Many who have become inactive are not opposed to the truth but have stopped associating due to personal problems and discouragement. Others may have allowed the "thorns" to choke out the Word because of anxiety and materialism. (Matt. 13:22) Although these may have strayed far and been away for a long time, Jesus’ illustration at Matthew 18:12-14 encourages us always to leave the door open for their return. Many inactive ones can be helped. Jehovah blesses the efforts of those who participate in this work under the direction of the elders.


    In the coming months the secretary and service overseer will determine which inactive ones in the territory would likely respond to help. If you should be asked to study with an inactive one, you may report the time, return visit and Bible study until the individual has completed the study of one book. By that time it is hoped that the person will once again be regular in meeting attendance and field service. It is our sincere prayer that Jehovah will bless richly this special activity, and that many who have gone astray will respond before it is too late.
  • Borgia


    In that case I volunteer to be the of the seawolf class.....



  • metatron

    Tracts? The one motive you may not have considered?


    Remember when they went door to door with hard bound books? No more!

    Tracts are cheap (and disposable). You keep the Witness hamsters spinning merrily in their cages with more

    'busy-work' while maintaining the pretense of preaching. I used to be proud that Witnesses had such good

    hard bound literature in abundance while born agains only offered cheap tracts.

    Welcome to your new found poverty, Watchtower!


  • moshe

    You know, it makes them feel good to dash from door to door with these tracts and they won't end up talking to informed householders who might shake their faith in the Borg. I think their ability to do the old fahioned witnessing has dropped off quite a bit.

    I talked to a couple of sisters a few months ago out in the FS and as soon as I took control of the discussion she cut me off and said this was not a "Productive discussion"and put her Bible away. They got into their car and left the territory. Just the way she said that phrase made me think they had rehearsed the whole scenario in a Km/service meeting talk. Do they teach the witnesses to run away at the first sign of deep doo-doo at the door now?

  • OnTheWayOut

    A new spin on the door-to-door work will be the use of tracts.
    They will remind us that they are the WT Bible and Tract Society.

    They will talk up the huge response that short, to-the-point tracts can get.
    They will say that most people aren't home, so these are easier to get in
    people's hands.
    They will further reduce the number of WT magazines published, as there
    ain't enough money coming in. They will keep JW's busy and make service
    easier to keep up the number of active publishers.

    Everyone will know that it's because of money, but they won't admit it.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    This has got me thinking. I could envision a time in the not too distant future when 1) the Asleep Awake (I love this strikethru thing!) is discotinued (already gone from twice to once a month, then make it a quarterly rag and finally axe it), 2) the WT is turned into a monthly KM type used for the WT study (not distributed publicly). Then, 3) alternate between a book offer, a brochure offer and a tract campaign.

    Not sure how the economics would work out, but I would bet they could save a ton of money.

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