AIDS was brought to mankind by pharmaceutical industry. Click for proof.

by Santisimo 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Santisimo

    Check out the website, make some time and view the documentary for free via the link I posted and make up your own mind. The proof of how AIDS originated is shocking. The coverup will surprise you even more. One thing I am certain of, is that the pharmaceutical companies and governments at fault should be responsible for providing FREE medicine to fight AIDS in Africa. Nothing less will do. Society should no longer tolerate this kind of evil towards a people who were forced to take part in experiments which are still causing the deaths of millions.

  • Elsewhere

    Bull Shit.

  • Santisimo

    Excuse me?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Santisimo,

    Have not yet read your links, but this post confirms what I heard on NPR two days ago. I only caught the tail-end but I heard 'children...died of AIDS' and a reference to legal action. I could not believe it, yet in a "conspiracy" FACT book that I am reading, the author discusses at length the introduction of the virus into various communities. I simply had not gotten around to verifying his sources. Thanx for this information!


  • lonelysheep

    I would encourage anyone who believes that way to take a course on HIV/AIDS and really learn about it.

    The virus itself is a damn genious when it comes to killing an entire body system. Pharma didn't make it.

  • Seeker4

    A few years ago I was paid a considerable sum of money to research how AIDS started. The person who put up the money was a believer in these kinds of conspiracy theories that you link to, but I told them I would research this with an open mind.

    I could find a great deal of speculation and accusations, but there was a serious lack of facts or evidence about the origins of this terrible syndrome. Better do some more research, Santisimo. HIV/AIDS is one of the most rapidly evolving viruses known.

    From your posts you seem to be a sort of gullible believer in ideas that have been around for some time and pretty much debunked.

    And compound complex - I think the NPR story had to do with a small group of health care professionals being sentenced to death for spreading AIDS among a group of children. You might want to spend some time and research that a little more carefully. There is an international outrage about the sentence, as it seems what happened was not due to any crime on the part of these people but caused by contaminated equipment.


  • Warlock

    Even IF this was true, the industry doesn't spread it, people do.


  • RunningMan

    There is a really sickening story out of Libya where 4 Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor have been convicted and sentenced to death for supposedly infecting hundreds of children with HIV. In reality, the HIV was transmitted by poor standards in the Libyan health system, and these five people are being made the scapegoats. Libya is willing to release them for a large sum of cash.

    The stupidity of some of these places just boggles the mind.

  • AlmostAtheist

    I'm not going to read the whole series of PDF's or watch the video, but I glanced at the PDF to see what the general claim was. The claim seems to be that the Polio virus was manufactured in a way that allowed chimp stuff to be introduced into the vaccine. Give the vaccine to humans, you put chimp stuff in humans.

    The article suggests that there were no protocols in place to prevent this sort of thing, so no rules were broken. But the accusation is that HIV moved from chimps to humans via this method.

    I couldn't quite call it "bull shit" -- that sounds plausible to my mind, free of all knowledge of medicine, protocols, and so forth. Since CNN isn't blasting this on its main page, I'm assuming there's a big group out there that think it doesn't have much merit, probably a group with knowledge of medicine, protocols, and so forth.

    So I'm going to fall on the side of "probably not, but not ruling it out." And I surely don't think it was done on purpose, or with any sort of agenda. If it happened at all, it was almost certainly out of ignorance, not malice.


  • Satanus

    A few yrs ago, i did a lot of reading about this conspracy theory and others. The facts were not clear enough. To me, it came down to, i just don't know: maybe it was natural, maybe it was artificial.


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