AIDS was brought to mankind by pharmaceutical industry. Click for proof.

by Santisimo 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • lonelysheep

    Perhaps YOU should at least go get a medical degree and then spend some time working in clinical research/biotechnology before buying into such B.S.

    Use condoms.

  • abbagail

    Since opinions are allowed, here's mine...

    It wasn't the Pharmas who created AIDS and Avian Flu and all the other weird viruses, it was the Military (Kissinger didn't import all the Nazi doctors after WW2 so they could sit around and twiddle their thumbs).

    And the purpose is not "big bucks" (they are getting enough of that as is).

    Their agenda is DEPOPULATION.

    And since DEPOPULATION is their goal, they will NOT be "sincerely" seeking "cures" (oh, they'll continue to "pretend" as if they are working ever so hard on "cures," same as the politicians endlessly "pretend" they are working on all the political issues, but it's all a farce.

    Besides, what would be the point of producing so-called curative drugs? How many of those in Africa who have AIDS could afford their expensive drugs anyway? Besides, it's nations like Africa they want to Depopulate, hence AIDS spread like wildfire there first. But don't get too cozy and cushy, as the Black/Hispanic/Jewish AND CHRISTIAN population is also on their "hit list" so expect a major "flu" pandemic at some point in the future right here in our own backyard.


    Quote from former Washington Insider George Green 1/22/2006:

    Green said he was privy to listening to initial chatter about the infamous Armageddon plan called Global Report 2000, a mass genocidal plan to drastically reduce the world's population, eventually endorsed as official U.S. policy during the Carter administration. [...] "I might add," said Green. "There's a lot to worry about because the neocons are actually behind schedule." [...] "In July of 1980, Secretary of State endorsed as official Carter administration policy the Global 2000 report, which according to then Secretary of State Edmund Muskie's own words "THE ELIMINATION OF 2 billion human beings by the year...2000. The Office of Population Affairs of the U.S. State Department from the National Security Council's Ad Hoc Group on Population policy, U.S. Foreign Policy is being planned and implemented on the basis of its effectiveness in murdering human beings.”

    Visit Green’s website here: --
    and here --


    There's more proof to be had, you just have to learn where to look and the right search words to put in your search engine.


  • hillary_step


    There's more proof to be had, you just have to learn where to look and the right search words to put in your search engine.

    lol....I hope that this is not a serious statement. I could probably find Internet sites that can provide 'scientific' evidence for the existence of literate Reality TV stars if I wanted to be further depressed by the dismal slide of the human race into mediocrity.


  • abbagail

    Hi HS, I knew I could trust you for a comeback, lol.

    Yes, it's a "serious" statement.

    But if you prefer hardback books vs. internet, I can send you a very long list of books you can read on the subject.

    Re: the virus issue specifically, you could start with Dr. Len Horowitz' books.

    Here's a first-person story for you:

    In April 2005 right after the Terri Schiavo "murder," I had a doc appt. with my neurologist (no spring chicken, probably in his 60s), so I asked him straight-away, "You may think this is off the wall, but are you aware of the New World Order?" His reply, "Ohhhhhhhhhh Yesssssssssssssss, we are VERY WELL AWARE of the New World Order... you're not off the wall, no, not at all..."

    My 2nd question was going to be if he was a Freemason? (since the NWO & Masonry go together like hand in glove). But time was up and he was out the door. So at my next appt. six months later I said my prayers driving down there for opportunity to find out if he was also a Mason. And amazingly, they put me in an exam room at the tail end of the long hall, a room I had never been in before (in four years of going to this doc's office). And while waiting for the doc, right across from where I was sitting, hanging on the wall was a hand-drawn Masonry cartoon with this doc as the subject matter (evidently drawn by one of his Masonic friends).

    When the doc enters, it's not the neurologist but one of his PA's, so I ask him, "Are you a Mason?" He said, "Yes, HOW DID YOU KNOW?" I said, "For one thing, THAT CARTOON on the wall over there." He just said, "Oh, yeahhhhhhh." This guy is younger, the PA, probably in his 40s, so I told him what his boss, the neurologist had said at my last visit about the NWO, and this guy was freaking, "You mean HE TOLD YOU THAT?" I said, Yes, why are you surprised? And he didn't answser, so I proceeded to "educate" him about Masonry, Luciferianism, and the NWO.

    Anyway, my point is this, the New World Order and its depopulation agenda, along with all of its other evil plans, is a reality, not a hocus-pocus "theory." And anybody with your brains should be aware of that fact by now.

    That 2nd doc appt. was in October 2005, so in November 2005 I looked up my former boss, an attorney (Jewish guy, now in his late 50s) who I worked for, for over a decade, but he had since moved to Texas. I gave him a ringie, first time I had talked to him in a number of years, and I asked him if HE was aware of the NWO? of Masonry? etc. etc. At first he didn't understand my question (he thought I was describing the JW's "New World" since I had been a JW when I worked for him 1980-1992). So I clarified and explained, and then I asked if he remembered Dr. X the neurologist? He said, Sure. So I said, Well, HE KNOWS about the New World Order, and I repeated the exact thing the doc had said and in his exact tone of voice, and the conversation/cartoon at the subsequent PA doc visit, etc. So my former boss then says with the most serious voice I had ever heard, he exclaimed, "If HE KNOWS ABOUT the New World Order, then you should NEVER GO BACK THERE to SEE THEM."

    So, is my former very intelligent and successful attorney/boss a "loon" as some of the folks around here would have everyone believe about anyone who seriously looks into these things? And/or is my Masonic neurologist also a "nut case" who doesn't know what he is talking about?

    I don't need a reply to that since I already know the answer.

    But you folks can continue to think what you like, but it's quite clear not everyone wishes to stay "in the dark" about these things.

    "Do you take offense at the term 'conspiracy theorist'?"

    "I welcome being called a conspiracy theorist as this exposes the intellectual bankruptcy of the person applying it and provides me with an opportunity to point out that intellectual bankruptcy."

    Interview of Barry Zwicker by Matthew Singer here:

    BTW, part of the propaganda is to make people who DO believe look like fools. So feel free to "carry on" with your incredulous patronizing, which is the usual fodder around here when anyone shares anything to do with the NWO agenda (ie, it's expected).

    Most sincerely, Mr. HS!


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