eduardo: funny i put in 2 sentences. your a lying DOG. every one one sees your bull$hit. and i'm sure if your a real lawyer most here don't have your schooling. but we have common sense. common sense is something not taught by the wt and you act like a pharisee i would make an ass out of you in person. in fact p.m me the phone number to your law office. and i'll call you and record it. then put up here for all to here . and we will all see how smart you really are. i bet you don't last 10 minutes with me. i'll be waiting. john
JW Children Lie in Custody Cases
by compound complex 290 Replies latest watchtower bible
IronClaw, I specifically said "casual" not "close" friendships. While some Witnesses are permitted to have close friendships with Non-Witnesses, it is discouraged. But many Witnesses as I stated have some casual acquaintances who are non-Witnesses. The degree to which they associate with them is dependent on the circumstances. It is clear from Mary's post that (as I stated) anything less than exchanging Valentines and full-blown association is not "normal" in her eyes.
There is no difference in what you stated above that would be deceptive and what they are actually saying. "their faith is of primary importance" is no different that "the first things in life are service and going to the KH". Apparently, you are the only one who can't see that
Every now and then I encounter on JWD people who simply do not have a basic grasp of language and grammatical structure and who persist in misreading something. The CCB specifically qualifies your quoted portion above by stating that the situation of example parts at the assemblies or the platform and by using the qualifier "WHEN....the first things" is WHEN one WOULD emphasize that the first things in life are service and going to the KH, etc. (for JWs). That you fail to understand the difference is truly baffling.
As for the assertion about the hourly commitment, etc. the fact is that only a tiny fraction of Witnesses actually DO all that is encouraged that they do. The vast majority of Witnesses put in very little time than what is minimally required to get by without flak from the Elders or their parents if they are children. The fact that the average service hours are less than 10hrs a month demonstrates that half of all Witnesses don't even spend 10 hours a month in formal OR informal ministry.
Once again the difference between the ideal state and the actual state of most Witnesses is lost upon you.
JohnnyCip: Generally, I tend to ignore morons like you, who obviously don't know either anything about me nor my positions, but who place their ignorance on display for all to see. If you really desire, you can feel free to visit my website. From there are links to my law website and from there you can find contact info. It sounds like you have a lot of hatred in your heart and I pity you. Maybe you should pray so that the Lord can bring you peace and help you to let go of the animousity you hold toward others. (Oh and by the way in California both parties must consent to the taping of a phone conversation. I wouldn't want you to run afoul of the law.)
I specifically said "casual" not "close" friendships.
My God... you're lying again!
Certainly, many Witnesses not only have normal (casual) acquaintances with non-Witness schoolmates, neighbors and workmates, but many of them have close non-Witness friends.
When you have a "friend" it creates a "friendship"!
Holy Cow... maybe you are a lawyer!
johnny cip
eduardo : since you call me a moron. let's see what the board think's if me conversatining one on one with you . i'll let the board members call me a dope. and accept what ever my peers here think of my conversation with you. i have no fear. i most sure i can handle you on this this or any other wt subject you defended cut the bullshit and p.m me your office phone # and i will record it. for all to here. i can't write/type for nothing. no good schooling. but i'll rip you to shreads ,on the phone test your knowledge against mine or shut you big mouth. i look foward to talking to you. and let the chips fall where they may>>>> the ball is in you court. i'm sure you don't have the balls. like most people that post one the web. you will just call me a moron.. but in 10 minutes i'll expose you. your move. john
johnny cip
eduardo; your wasting my time. i've read enough of your crap in this site to see your leanings plus you didn't give a link to your site. i may be a poor moron. but i'm not a rich liar like you that finds unjust laws. to help corrupt people. look in the mirror. i'm still wating for you P>M> i'll test your sol called honest one on one . if not your a bullshit artist.
compound complex
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I've spent much of my life deferring to ones stronger and more intelligent than I; while not wishing to curtail anyone's freedom of speech, I do understand that there are certain rules that apply to behavior and speech in life and on the forum. I never anticipated such a tone for this serious matter re: JW children, their parents and lawyers. However trivial it might seem, this request is not easy for me to make. But it is needed. Please, cease and desist.
Plans can be trade, getting married and having children, journalism, and all kinds of other things. Maybe you can show an interest in art and the theatre.
One can express an interest in jounalism but an interest leading to a career in this field must include a college degree in order to land a job.
If the average witness child came home from school and said, "Mom and Dad, I want to make the theater or sports my life's pursuit," they would immediatly pull out Watchtowers and Awake articles to discourage this. We all know that.
No, the Watchtower Society is too clever to ask children to lie----that is why this little "talk session" (not to be confused with coaching) is recommended before the court hearing.
Does George Orwell's book 1984 come to mind? Newspeak, Thoughtspeak, Doublespeak, etc.
Not only a college degree, but what journalistic schedule would allow time for 5 meetings and service and prep every week? Hmmmm?
IronClaw, I specifically said "casual" not "close" friendships. While some Witnesses are permitted to have close friendships with Non-Witnesses, it is discouraged. But many Witnesses as I stated have some casual acquaintances who are non-Witnesses.
Eduardo, I guess you don't even read your own posts you moron. Let me refresh your memory:
Certainly, many Witnesses not only have normal (casual) acquaintances with non-Witness schoolmates, neighbors and workmates, but many of them have close non-Witness friends.
I rest my case.
The Claw.