Explain to a "Non JW", what it's like to be a JW

by JH 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Where would you start?

    I guess you could write a whole book on what is acceptable and what's wrong, and the consequences to your actions. You could also say all that you have to do and what you have to avoid.

  • jgnat

    Yes, I usually start by explaining that a JW's life is full of do's and don'ts. And meetings. Lots of meetings.

    Then I debunk all the JW myths floating out there. YES they can drink alcohol. NO they don't sacrifice their babies.

    In my experience, the two features of the JW's that stick out in the world is their door-to-door work and they don't celebrate Christmas.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Being a Jehovah's Witness is like living through High School again. Its full of gossip, mandatory homework and immature people who want to stand out. If you don't do what is expected you can be expelled.

    On top of that, the smart ones are bored and cut class.


    W.Once (of the class cutter class)

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I'd have to say it's impossible for a non - jw to fully understand what it's really like to be a jw.

    I think I'd probably reccommend they watch an episode of Star Trek that features the Borg to give them some idea of the kind of controlled existence that a jw experiences.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I did this with non-JW family members and coworkers. I don't even try
    to defend what I used to believe. I just say it is a mind-control cult that
    can prey on anyone, regardless of intelligence, if they catch you at the
    right moment in life- or if your parents raised you in it.

    They continually pump you with "Armageddon is right around the corner."
    They twist the Bible and history to prove they are right, then they control
    what you read, what you should think, who you should associate with.
    If you ever stop obeying, they tell your family and friends in their control
    to shun you, meaning to never talk to you. I am worried that if they ever
    found out that I read books by former members, they will tell my mother to
    totally shun me, and my wife to keep her distance and pretend that everything
    is normal at home, but start spying on me and look for a way out.

    We are expected to prepare for and participate in 5 hours of meetings every
    week, and go out in that door-to-door recruiting at least a little bit every month,
    but they apply guilt to you if it's less than 10 hours a month. We are supposed
    to read those magazines cover to cover every month, and read about 10 pages
    of the Bible (minimum) every week, plus use the WT books to analyze anything
    we don't understand as we read.

    It's great to say it straight out to unbelievers. Really refreshing. Try it.

  • Abandoned

    Imagine having to run each of your dreams by a group of men that barely know you. Imagine watching your dreams ripped to shreds because the god that you serve is too insecure to be able to allow you to do the things that you most want to do. You're taught to distrust your intuition and to follow a group of imperfect men implicitly or face destruction. You are told that everyone outside of your organization is on the "broad road to destruction," and will be destroyed if they don't start living their lives how you are living yours. You go to meetings where you are reminded of all these people who are going to be destroyed and then instructed to get out there and start preaching so that maybe some of them can be saved. You are allowed to personally take on the guilt of people being destroyed based on your ability and desire to preach. And to top it all off, you are told that all these instructions on how to live come from the loving god jehovah.

  • jgnat
    I'd have to say it's impossible for a non - jw to fully understand what it's really like to be a jw.

    How about me, fullofdoubtnow?

  • Warlock

    If you REALLY want to know what it's like to be one, the ONLY WAY to know, is to become one.

    Sorry jgnat, no offense meant.


  • jgnat

    Anyone who has lived through an abusive relationship could relate.

  • Warlock

    How about this: I could relate with a Mormon, and he with me. But I still would need to become a Mormon to know what it was like. He could never fully explain the experience to me.


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